
Real talk. Men need hygiene marketing waaaaay more than women. Way more. Way. Way. Way. more. Especially the unsnipped. There should be wipes, powders, cleansers and panty liners for men. They need it more than we do. That shit sits there stewing in their undies, they never wipe after they pee, some sit to do their

Thank you. I just feel like the thing that makes it hardest is the total lack of appreciation. So I wanted to show you some. You are doing great.

Yes. And this generation is better than the last. Let that sink in. Fuuuuck. No wonder there was a women’s lib movement. Surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

Bitch. You are a glorious woman. Ya whole damn family is lucky. I see you. I applaud you. I am you. 

Praise. Or worse “why did you let me sleep in?” This phrase is no longer used in my house. Men. Like the nipples on their chests fucking useless.

Best response.

I stopped drinking shortly after having a kid. I have had a glass of wine on a few occasions but nothing more. I need to keep my wits to keep up and I find that easier when I’m not drunk or hungover. Kids almost 4 and it’s going fine. When he is a teen things might change but I doubt it since I’ll need to be aware of

Haha ain’t that the truth. Never ceases to amaze me though.

So I see that we are still supporting Gaga and ignoring her willing collab with R Kelly and her defence of him and defence of her work with him. Cuz you know here she is speaking out against the man and being a whole ally. Once again, certain people get cancelled and called out for their actions and other people get

Well. Balls. If it helps I do like spoilers otherwise I’m gonna have to play it again and be mean. I was so happy to find a happy ending I didn’t want to ruin it and kill people. Gah just jumping over the balcony was guilt inducing.

I did get to the point where I had Stephan fight his therapist and beat up his dad but he looked so distressed I felt guilty.

Look this Kondo thing is just trendy nonsense. You are an adult capable of cleaning your home and determining what needs to be thrown away or kept. You are capable of deciding at the shop whether the item is worth purchasing or just going to collect dust in some throw away corner of your home. Ugh and this Spark Joy

But we do have tits and ass and we can go right on ahead and enjoy the shit outta ‘em with out some Nervous Nelly preaching for us to keep it on the down low. Relax and enjoy the incredible feats which our stunning and incredible bodies can perform. There is such a thing as fun my dear. Music and dancing is an

These ladies have stamina! Charisma! Beauty! But mostly much stamina which I greatly admire. Hypnotic indeed. Also, I like this Cardi B sharing the spot light, working with a peer and just enjoying herself. This is good shit. I’m gonna go back and admire these ladies a few more time. I mean I can barely crawl outta

Oh! I refused to kill the dad because I felt so guilty that his life was falling apart. Haha. I never made it there. I decided getting on the train was the happy ending and stopped right there.

Wendy’s show is trashy nonsense with a very liberal sprinkling of cruelty so I have to ask what is Don thinking? He has a solid career at the Matel Network so why is he slumming on this petty ass gossip show? Also, this is clearly a rehab thing Wendy don’t pretend. What goes around comes around lady.

5 star meta ending? Sorry, which is which. I managed about two endings one *spoiler *(my personal favourite) where he takes the train with his mum*.

How can you be a fan of Black Mirror and not at least appreciate the effort put into creating Bandersnatch? You became the story. You got be a part of Black Mirror. The novelty of that alone must inspire some interest. I agree with the creators fuck off and watch something else. They worked really hard to put this

Yes. It makes them feel special.

This is looks fucking awesome. What’s with the tone? All the art is coming to life and killing someone and you have a problem with the monkeys? That’s a strange thing to pick. I’m not sure I’m getting the joke here? Anyway thanks for bringing it to my attention, can’t wait to watch it. Nightcrawler was fantastically