
I think this situation is a really glaring example of what I see as a rather common practice in the music industry. One way or another the majority of artists are recording with some shady pervo whether we know it or not. But certainly she had enough information going into this that if she really were an advocate or

It happens. And it isn’t just her. Nor is it just Kelly. I don’t know that expected an apology from her as she addressed it (poorly) at the time and I just moved on. It would be helpful if people could just admit I worked with x as a career move and didn’t consider the implications at the time.

Naw. She made a calculated business decision with the full knowledge that she was working R Kiddie Porn Kelly. Doesn’t matter your mental state unless she was one of his victims.

Or perhaps it’s that Oscar she wants.

Arianna needs to be single and not mingle. No booty calls, no boyfriends. I’m telling you she is still that vulnerable stage where a ‘friends with benefits’ can become an emotional entanglement. She needs to eat, pray, love or something. But get away from these men.

Wait. The kiddie porn came out long before she worked that track. And she kept it out there long enough to cash in. She was also called out at the time. Ignorance is no excuse here. There is defiant and there is ambitious. I’m chalking it up to the latter, a pure career move.

I cannot take this seriously Gaga. You worked with two known pervert degenerate rapists and released the project then quietly distanced yourself when a few people called bullshit. It’s more honest to say you ignored the rumours and moved forward with the project because you thought it would work out.

How is your mortality rate not waaaay higher? Why does anyone get pregant? How can you afford a broken leg? Y’all should wrap yourselves up in bubbles and have your reproductive organs removed. Everything listed here costs something in a universal healthcare system but I promise you no where near what is being charged

It’s funny but all that shit is in the songs. I used be really into Rock (think Guns’ N’ Roses - the best!), R&B, and Rap back in the late 80's. I listened to other shit too but that was my go to shit. And I can remember songs and interviews where these guys would talk about groupies and parties. Even in some of the

I’m feeling like lil kim has some stories of her own if you know what I mean. And Jay was always a dirty dog. Bey Upgraded his ass and y’all forgot. I imagine all them boys got some serious skeletons and that many of our favourites were victims of, perpetrators of, or aware of. Music biz is a dirty biz. Funny that

Not so sorry she turned down the role though. Kept right up with it even when she questioned at the time. We’ll see how sorry you are when the next whitewash role comes up.

Funny, I see a couple mention that it’s industry wide and another mention that there others who deserve a doc but no names (I know defamation suit) or hints or any other information to give.

Joy. Pure heart warming joy. Gah. I see this commercial constantly and I never stop tearing up even though I know what’s going to happen. Ugh so many warm fuzzies!!!

I’m not going to be guilted into changing my mind. I’m sure her parents perspective would be quite different as any parents would be who have lost a child to violence.

Interesting as well that these are women dominated fields and at times publicly funded or supported. We think very little about women, very little about the value of the contributions of women, but also very little about the health and stability of the collective which directly or indirectly is related to the value of

I believe, according to an article I read a few years back, the average shelf life for a social worker is in the neighbourhood of 3 years. 5 years max before complete burnout/breakdown. I can’t imagine what 10 or more years can do to a soul.

How will this matter to a society filled with people that have no expectation to privacy? The very idea of privacy and the right to one’s identity has been watered down entirely by these tech companies. As a self professed Luddite (and arguably not a very good one) this is utterly egregious but to the normal folks

Thank you for your answer. Maybe it’s the cis men. Maybe they just suck in general. 

I think the generations are improving. What men do today they wouldn’t have a generation ago. They do have more independence, they do see women as autonomous and independent (so many of my generation grew up in single parent households headed by the mother). It’s just that we aren’t there yet. And we still adhere to

This. This whole thing puts any Met Gala to shame. Every one of them. I love the drama and creativity. It’s so fun!!!