
Part of the problem lies with the fact that emails are linked together in a lot of applications by their subject line, not some other unique thread identifier (though this change is slowly coming about in some software).

I agree the word “want” is a little dismissive - this is clearly a complex matter that can’t be reduced to simple preference. But I also think it’s funny you bring up “how they actually are”.

I dunno - to me, the very concept of a “preferred pronoun” is incompatible with gender fluidity. If gender is really such a flexible concept, and as much a social construct as anything else, then why the fuck do you care if people call you “he” or “she”?

Yes, condescending snarky responses are clearly the way to go with an honest inquiry. A great way to build respect. You could have also just answered the question. “Wow, artiofab is a dick.” Two can play at this game.

Not “judge” her. “Apply normative contexts” to her like every single person does about every single thing they encounter in daily life, that isn’t a completely new concept.

You know what? Give me a fucking break. What I said had nothing to do with race except in your mind. She herself said she had a tense exchange with the flight attendant and that she wouldn’t put her bag under the seat. Passengers must follow instructions from the flight crew.

You realize that repeatedly posting the same thing over and over does not clarify anything and only serves to make you look like an asshole, right?

jesus h christ. shut the fuck up already

To be a nerd, comparing “feel badly” with “feel strongly” makes no sense. “Strongly” means the verb feel is done with more force. Whereas “badly” implies the verb feel is done worse, or poorly. Like you’re bad at feeling.

Pet peeve: you feel bad not badly.

I hate the fact that I’m saying this... but the colorblind thing isn’t a gotcha. I tell people I’m colorblind all the time... and I am red green colorblind... meaning I can’t see various shades of purple, blue, green, gray.... but I can see pink no problem. I assume that’s what he meant.

I won’t pearl-clutch like the folks below. Most of my closest friends agree with me politically on the major issues, and I’d have a hard time being close friends with someone who disagreed with me on the major stuff, unless their disagreement is purely theoretical.

Think same-sex marriage is wrong, but have no desire

Gotta say Barry, i’m loving the backlash you’re getting to this comment.

So stupid

Professionalism or not, being BFFs with Scalia is highly suspect.

Except Monica and Clinton was a consensual relationship (even if it was adultery, and generally deplorable for a man in his position), and Trump is talking about forcing himself on women, grabbing them by the vagina and kissing them simply because they won’t stop him.

So much time hitting against a wall by himself. Great groundstrokes, but no second serb.

Hang on a sec - so, by this argument, the mark of a true asshole is self-consciousness. So how does this response make sense?

Does Drew know what “oblivious” means?

oblivious means the other thing