
You laugh but the NCAA is going to bring the hammer down on MIT for not self-reporting Quan Le having a tutor complete his PE requirements for him.

I heard there were 10 questions about binary, and they were both pretty tough.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Is there a point to this article? It feels like you left about 6 paragraphs off the end of the story

The vuvuzela is not an instrument any more than “accidentally backing over the family cat” is a musical performance.

Theremin or GTFO.

Does Marchman play an instrument? If so, it’s that instrument.

Hey! I don’t have kids.

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

Juste spoiled Got for me, I am very sad and angry towards you. Please be carefull about that in the future.

You’re a moron.

so... it’s the customers’ job to make up their wages? Don’t like the pay, find a new job, that’s it. Customers pay for goods and services, companies pay employees to provide those things. It’s really fucking simple. This whole ‘expected tip’ culture we have is disgusting, I feel like I’m gurdgingly throwing a few

Not having to tip is huge. The biggest problem with tipping is the rating system. Allowing or expecting tipping will change it from a more or less honest evaluation of the service/behaviour to that guy tips poorly going to give him a 1. It messes up the whole system Uber’s quality is based on.

We are all entitled to our own opinions, and to hold them however closely or openly as we like. However, and really try and listen here, We are not entitled to our own facts, ever-changing to fit the wide array of positions that we hold.

Sure, but it’s fine to make fun of little people and cripples, huh?

But his views are wrong because they’re almost always supported by incorrect facts and/or logical fallacies.

This, so much. Schlling incorrectly believes he was done in by the PC Police. He doesn’t get that the real culprit was the invisible hand of the free market, the very force worshipped by his ilk.

Schilling’s fatal flaw is one shared by many on the right. Because Republicans vs. Democrats is covered like a professional sport, and because both parties are closely linked with the concepts of conservatism vs. liberalism, it all runs together for people like Schilling. When faced with information contrary to his

Weren’t they claiming to hold rights to public domain films a while back? I remember a company (that isn’t Disney, which is a shocker) going after tv channels and internet websites for giving and or making dvd versions of public domain films and a company went after them saying that because they owned the rights to a