
With the second pick in the 2016 NFL Draft, the Cleveland Browns select, Blue Pool Noodle from that video from the Internet.

Billie -Jo Skeleton needs more love, if you ask me.

Before all these cameras in public, the police never misbehaved. The cameras incite them to act aggressively and should be banned.

....what is in your search history?

you irl

Here’s the issue. There is an entire continent here, that was once filled with a wide variety of people, all with different cultures and belief systems, who had their own complicated internal and external politics, including intertribal wars. All of these complex belief systems, all of these cultures, were condensed

Or maybe she assumes her reader are wanting FICTION and not a discourse on the complexities of Native American cultures through the ages.

So a Whopper?

Did you guys even watch the video? There was someone merging into the road at that exact moment. There was no opportunity for him to merge right without changing his rate of speed (cruise control).

his own damn fault. You want to be an aggressive sonofabitch on the road, you accept the risk. Hopefully he got a fairly sizable ticket to go along with his wrecked SUV.

Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.

On one hand, that dick got what he deserved. What if there had been a legit reason for the front car to slow down?

I think his reasoning in the movie is much the same as it was in the books — he was still hurting over his breakup with Envy and wanted something simple or something at all. If Scott hadn't dated Knives, he may not have been prepared to date Ramona.

In the movie he didn't have much in common with Knives at all from what I saw (or at least, as much in common as he did with Ramona), but he clearly shows he's with Knives out of boredom and simplicity, not because he really likes her - he sees her as a fan to stroke his ego. In the case of Ramona, however, indicated

You're all totally missing the most important factor.... Ramona is way hotter than Knives.

No but really, I disagree with Scott getting with Knives because she barely even had her own personality. All she would try to do is be the person she thought Scott would have liked, whereas Ramona had her own issues and

Scott going back to Knives would be a huge step backwards, and would invalidate the whole point of the story—that he's finally beginning to grope towards adulthood, and is finally ready for something like a grown-up relationship. I was stunned to learn that Wright ever seriously considered a Scott/Knives ending. He

It's definitely an empowering moment for knives when she tells him to go. She doesn't need him any more. People who want them to get back together are the worst.

"It's easy to find people online who still feel strongly that Scott should have ended up with Knives."

Scott Pilgrim is a masterpiece and I will not hear you speak ill of it!

But more seriously, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it.

"...outside of Little Shop of Horrors and Scott Pilgrim."