
Honestly the best sports gif.

Jose Fernandez: so much fun.

This was a shot at revenge for the ostrich after all of her eggs were eaten by a Mongoose.

This isn’t exactly Bert Williams here. This is not somebody playing up stereotypes at the expense of an entire race for the amusement of white people. Don’t even try to trivialize the disgusting vileness of blackface by suggesting a woman of color using makeup the way plenty of actors from all parts of the world use

I have a fairly small following on Twitter, but occasionally something I tweet will get a little bit of viral momentum, usually because the team that I cover said/did something weird/stupid/good/whatever. A few weeks ago, I had a tweet go seriously viral, because it mentioned a prominent figure who then retweeted it,

People have been questioning why white rural evangelicals vote against their interests for decades - it’s been a large focus of political and cultural analyses.

Kickers rarely even show up to the combine, and Koehn was the only one in this year’s class of rookies to run the 40.

Really want to emphasize what is being said by “In the range between 28 and 50 feet, Curry is 35-of-52, good for an efficiency that exceeds making 100 percent of your 2-point attempts.”

I just got fired for having my dick out against my work pc monitor. I really need to read the articles more thorough.

When you read, do you just stick your face against the computer screen and mush all the words together with your eyes, or what

“Pack your things and get out, you son of a bitch!”

Well, it certainly wasn’t a banner day for this gentleman!

Thank god he and his co-host thoroughly explained every single joke, I doubt I would have gotten them otherwise.

fuck that announcer on Fallon is insufferable

Now that the suspension has been made official, I bet Wideman cross-checks the shit out of it.

No and Messi can totally dunk.

Wait....why wouldn’t you clownasses think he’d be able to dunk? He’s 6'1, can jump high, and is a very coordinated, professional athlete.

After a grueling season, these guys finally get to go home, unwind, and let their skeletons climb out of their skin bags. The skeletons of NFL players get to run around and commit crimes and generally just relax. Blow off steam. Get re-energized. When you get up there in age, it’s harder and harder to coax your

I don’t know what “sensitivity” has to do with anything. It’s like someone being mad about Independence Day because they have a divorce being finalized.