You’re likely one of the few people on this site that has driven an Aventador, including the staff. So, you might not be the only one but you’re certainly one of a select few.
You’re likely one of the few people on this site that has driven an Aventador, including the staff. So, you might not be the only one but you’re certainly one of a select few.
Ladies; real talk; is it even possible to drive in heels?
Audi really stepping out of its comfort zone on that design!
Most expensive Golf ever.
You could edit this clip into the musical competition scene from Revenge of the Nerds and nobody would bat an eyelash.
Probably the crotch.
That’s a common misconception. So long as you drill at least 800 feet into the asteroid, it works fine.
Yeah, like we can beleive that they’re going to “detune” that truck before going home. Like no one ever rolls coal, or gives a car a race tune for normal driving.
I feel like this is the end result of all the criminals bypassing the emissions control devices in their exhausts on passenger cars. You wouldn’t believe how many people joke online about removing catalytic converters and signing paperwork from their shop about the vehicle only being used on a track or off road. Now…
Or when it’s complicated.
She’s only happy when it rains.
That explosion really trashed that truck.
then they would have to go through the whole process of meeting emissions standards and safety standards for new cars, DOT regs, etc etc etc.
where as its way easier to just mod a truck to be one you want.
Because then you would have to pass real safety and smog requirements that cost a ton of money and yield you no profit.
It’d also be nice if people stopped getting upset at him for saying stupid things and being generally insulting. That’s his shtick. He insults things while being stupid.