Am I alone in thinking who cares?
Am I alone in thinking who cares?
I broke my mouse button clicking the star on your comment.
“I will totally buy one.” -Every Jalopnik Focus RS fan a month ago.
Enjoy your star, you sick sonofabitch
For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.
Maybe he was the misfit cop who really wanted to be a dentist.
It was all fun and games until one of the kids challenged him to a game of “Pig.”
Well, given that "military-hating" places like San Francisco pay the bulk of the taxes that fund the military, getting a bit of a show in return doesn't seem that unreasonable.
I read somewhere that you can’t even import one before it’s 25 years old and then title it once it gets past the 25 year mark. I wonder if this is true. It would be nice if it wasn’t because those cars seem to be dirt cheap until they get about a year out from being legally imported and then the price seems to double.
We didn’t vote for this shit. Big automotive companies greased the skids with fucking cash and got their own interests looked after for this shit.
Considering the import ban law was created in 1988 and I was born in 1989, I in fact did not vote for the people that put the ban in place. I’ll get off your lawn now.
He already quit the contract but confederates get confused about what’s in the past and what’s in the present a lot
Actually I giggled more when I came up with Darn Cat.
“heck cat”... how hard to you giggle when you came up with that one, Doug?
There should be a Green Key that limits power to 99 hp. Not specifically for you, just any time you tell someone they can drive your Hellcat, and you want to pull their leg, so you give them the Green Key. Maybe even paint the Green Key Red.
“Speakers next to the engine block? Does anyone else think this is a bad idea, or is that just me?”
Bad idea referencing the stock market today, amirite?!
2016 Ford Focus RS - Coming soon to ditches and utility poles near you!
This would’ve been so much better had it included this