Kinja has smelly balls

My wife had Fox News on last night when she went to bed. The woman and her two guests repeatedly talked about how embarrassing it was and how these soldiers were forced to do things they didn’t want to do and that it was basically an act of war.

If you want a car that doesn't embrace progress, get a Morgan.

They should give the all electric 911 hydraulic steering. Just to piss off the purists.

A few years ago ze Germans didn’t understand that Jews or any other human being should not be exterminated based on their race, ethnicity, religion, etc either.

Trump would have nuked Tehran

I’m not sure you understand how diplomacy works...

Humiliation? Please. We’d have done the same thing if a bunch of Iranian sailors drifted into one of our harbors.

If I know anything about the Yamaha Fz09 its that its a two door 4 seat coup, just like the other vehicles in the comparison.

Go getem’ Duke!

I hope you don’t think you’re better than us just because you admit you shouldn’t think you’re better than us.

“He has transcended humanity and become a godlike car person.”

still not cool

Don’t know. That looks like it could be quite a lot of NAAAWWWWZ in there.

Can’t ticket what you can’t catch. Best to just stick to reliable income streams.

Someone’s floorpans are in for a world of hurt.

The video (and experience) says otherwise.

No problem parking there - just let the access ramp knock the bike over.

Beltway huh? Where’s a sniper when you need one.

I found this in London once. Love.