Kinja has smelly balls

I couldn't listen to another second of the anti ACA bullshit; what happens?

What a tool bag. Even bigger than the tools that buy his snake oil.

Watch This Air Tanker Yaw Like Mad While Dropping Fire Retardant

Just watching this and they play the original command and conquer Red Alert theme song. YES. Install Hola! for firefox and you are set people. Free proxy!

meh... huge topgear fan here, huge subscribed /DRIVE fan too... but Jalopnik cannot on one side be "against" pirating when it comes to /DRIVE, while at the same time, saying that, well, you know where to find TopGear and its sub-shows if you can't watch them...

Great show, the stuff he does on his own are generally very interesting programmes.

He makes a mistake every 2-3 minutes, so that's rather frightening.

Quintessentially 90s? The 928 was introduced in 1978.

Tyler, I love the articles that you write, I really do. But, can you please, for the love of all that is holy, proof read and edit your shit?? Thank you. Keep on trucking amigo.

I enjoyed coming to the parking lot of Sing Sing with Robert Klein on an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I found the guards to be polite and accommodating. Even when they threatened legal action unless we removed ourselves from the premises. I would recommend this prison if you have to do hard time.…

Yes, but typically without the original music. The music editing on that show is part of what makes it phenomenal, yet, various licensing agreements make sure we don't get that in 'Murica. :o(

You make your point… as delicately as ever, Mr. Pelt.

Now playing

I have exclusive footage of the accused importer showing how he "converts" a Larry Farm Rover into a Chelsea Tractor.

what does this have to do with circle jerking over a concept rwd sports car that will never come out?

The best part is the guy who's truck got smashed finishes his beer and throws the can in the truck...

Well we now know what to turn down for.

Save your money from not buying a crap can..get experience and and education (not always college) and get your ass out of that minimum wage job. Then you can get yerself a parts hog.

If we were all used to seeing these 18" wheels, and someone put the 13" ones on, we'd all say how silly and cartoonish the bubble tires looked.

I think a better idea is just not to blow anything at anyone. It may be boring but it's a classy kind of boring.