Kinja has smelly balls

Oh yes, if there is anything that makes air travel more enjoyable after train ride to the airport, the non-English speaking ticket counter jockey, the government-mandate strip-search line, and the $15 soggy panini, its some snide asshole trying out his new stand-up routine right after I sit down and get some peace and

With the excluder being that you are not a rich businessman, like most of the Carrera Cup field?

No you can use the word that way. It's misspelled, but that's besides the point.

Prophylactically is usually used in a medical sense to describe taking a medication or action before having a problem to prevent the problem. For example taking pain medication prior to pain being felt to prevent the pain from coming on. In this case they should have removed the bumpers before trying to drive over

Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.

I spent the whole article waiting for him to confess that he listens to smooth jazz while guiding the probe in.

Know what would calm these guys down? A little booze and trim. Goes a long way to mellow you out and give you something to stay alive for.

If you look closely you'll see a small twin turbo prop fly overhead before the tanker. That's a spotter plane who instructs the tanker on where to drop their load.

I have created this helpful illustration below to explain which people I am referring to (See Figure 1).

Do you ever wonder how these people can have so much money to build one of these, yet have nothing better to do than drive around a giant machine in the mud?

Came here to say the same. Nissan tried and everyone said it was shit, ugly, etc etc.

At least Nissan tried

guy still has balls equal to those of the apollo and mercury missions. Space or no space, guy is a badass. And that view must have been amazing.

Fresno, CA

Under the bridge, pussies.

That interior could easily be from a car 15 years newer, amazing how well the design has held up. Except for the fax machine feature, of course, but that was certainly "period correct" for the '80s.

Is it just me that finds it a bit ironic how the russians celebrate victory over the germans by riding in german cars?

Remote controlled helicopters (and planes, boats, etc) have been around for the last 30 years with the same threats/opportunities.