
You probably shouldn’t waste your time trying to convince this idiot troll that Trump is a white supremacist (although it is fucking obvious he is) as he is also a huge racist and fascist who denies it, despite the fact that it is fucking obvious with him as well. He also believes Antifa is an anarcho-communist

Those were literally the only words the racist wrote in the entire thread, they were not written in service of any argument, as you can see for yourself in the link below and the embed in my post above. His history is rife with posts about blacks and crime rates and demonizing cities whole cloth, yet he claims he


ellipticalsmith the racist

Yes, everyone should be more like ellipticalsmith, the racist right wing troll:

Yeah, he’s a racist troll:


No, the link actually says that Denmark would consult Greenland and require their approval, and if they did not they would be in violation of Danish law. Are you illiterate or just incapable of admitting you are wrong?

Translation: I admit I was full of shit when I made the accusation about the Clinton foundation and sex trafficking, but I’m an ignorant, obsessed, nitwit right wing troll. About the only thing that makes me feel better is to project my awful qualities on someone else.

Nice pivot, dummy. Like you give a shit about Haiti, except when it suits your paranoid narrative, you racist imbecile. But you get to virtue signal Haiti, i guess that’s a thing to be proud of, at least in your own head. 

Yeah, the only place that happened was in your fevered imagination, you pathetic wingnut.

You should probably seek help, idiot.

Haha, I just might:

I suppose that would be marginally less pathetic than doing it because you think you are being funny/clever:

No problem.