Ben Grimm

I was sent to Houston on a work trip for a conference a few years back. I wasn’t worried about entertaining myself, because I was in downtown Houston! There would be a ton of stuff to do nearby! The conference let out at 5:00 every day. Everything in a 20-block radius seemingly closed at 4:30.

Oh, you’re thinking they’re going to still be playing in the second half of the season? Quite the optimist, aren’t you?

I think, even more confusingly, it was just specific Skrulls that debuted in titles they had rights to. Talos, for example, debuted in Hulk, so he was ok for the MCU.

Look, I don’t care what you think, that little salt on my fries was definitely a matter for the police.

My father’s family is all South Georgia/North Florida and I’ve always known it as Chess Pie.

I don’t think this story is going to have the happy ending Kraft is hoping for.

Not until it’s been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

All, or at least virtually all, NFL head coaches are complete assholes. It’s a job requirement, I think.

Fine, active player.

I’m sure Kaep’s lawyer is taking copious notes.

I’m a year or so older than Drew and my earliest distinct memory that I can date at all is from 1978 (seeing Superman in the theater; it was sold out but we already had tickets). I distinctly remember all the Iranian hostage drama, Lennon dying, Reagan getting shot, and a host of stuff from the first half of the

No, Mel Gibson currently holds the rights to those.

I lived in Fayetteville for seven years. It is not cool. I have never hated a city more.

I’m guessing 90%+ of DFW’s traffic is people changing planes, so the security lines would make less of a difference. I’ve flown through it god knows how many times, but I’ve never been through security there.

I’ve had them catch something once, which was something massive - like a flat of drinks, that the cashier just missed somehow. We had to go back in and pay for it, which was a pain, but they were never accusatory or anything, probably because it was obvious that the cashier missed it.

Every single grocery store does this.

Republican hacks tend to get super-bipartisan when they’re about to get their asses handed to them electorally.

Let’s not forget the real victim, the plumbing in the employee breakroom of that Walmart.

Roy Rogers is still around? I think it’s been 35 years since I’ve even seen one.

Some people will always find an excuse to side with the evil corporation.