Ben Grimm

I thought it was great. But it also makes me think - given this season doesn’t look like it’s actually going to be about revenge, after all - that things are about to get very, very dark. Even compared to how dark it’s gotten before.

I got a Community Internal Server Error for this?

“That’s a really bad place to be as an actor”

That’s one of the few casts I could almost see filming it straight.

I’m guessing some combination of her relationship with Jason and the 800+ resets making her super-aware or something along those lines.

That may not have been the most suprising or twistiest episode of the show to date, but it also might have been the funniest.

Evangelical anything is annoying, though. Atheism, in itself, is simply a theological position, the absence of a belief in any gods. Being sure about it isn’t necessarily built in. I know some people define that as agnosticism, but if that’s agnosticism, then most “believers” qualify as well.

The lesson is that fundamentalism is always bad, and that fundamentalists of different religions are more like each other than like normal people in the regular version of the same religion.

Eh, he shot his wad back in the 80s.

So your saying people in the House of Representatives feel a close kinship to them?

Yes, but unlike the Congressmen, they have actual things to do.

I pretty much always hated Xander and was surprised that not everyone did.

Attempts at comedy, at least. Like the sitcoms on CBS.

As the punchline to his attempt at Hu-mon comedy, he then stabbed a young couple to death on the shores of Lake Berryesa.

I was going to say Sábado Gigante, but it went off the air in 2015.

Dear god, it’s even worse than I expected.

But we already knew he was an idiot.

I miss back when these were typed out and I could just read them without alerting everyone in all of the neighboring offices.

They’re not going to let animated Michael Jackson anywhere near the Rugrats or the Peanuts kids, are they?

By all accounts, Michael Palin is a lovely human being.