Ben Grimm

I interpreted it as more Kubrick-bullying-Shelley-Duvall, but that’s just a guess.

“Remember, Harvey Weinstein isn’t the only asshole in Hollywood.”

Drunken DC Time Travel Fuckups continues to be a blast. The bit with Sara and overly serious lady was fun; my wife’s convinced they’re going to become a couple.

Looked like it.

Tonally, this was a massive improvement on the last couple seasons. A real course correction. The plot was sort of incidental, but if they’ve truly fixed the tonal problems the show’s been having, I’m very optimistic for the season.

The existence of people who aren’t straight white American Christians makes them mad.

I didn’t realize people hated on it; I thought it was one of the show’s first real experiments with serialization that showed how much the show could gain from allowing stories to extend a bit.

This will probably get edited down to “Juden sind verboten” again.

That would have worked better if your internet handle was just your job description.

It’s hard to separate those two, because the deniers are all also ignorant.

I honestly don’t know either way; it’s just that it seems like everyone I know who says that he is is a gay guy.

Was the show originally developed for something else - either an hour-long show, or for a pay network with no ad breaks? Between the crazy-rushed pace of the pilot and some of the weird bits that seem like the detritus of earlier drafts, it feels a little like what we’re seen is some of the kinks being worked out of

Only you (and also pretty much every gay guy I’ve talked to about it) seems to think that.

I remember when that Orson Welles Batman story started circulating - if I recall correctly, it was something Mark Millar made up whole cloth. It was less implausible than it might sound on first glance, given that Welles had played the Shadow, but it was still sort of ridiculous, and I think it fell apart when someone

Great. Now can Kinja follow suit?

Legends of Tomorrow is simply a much more well-written show. That said, Iron Fist’s fight scenes were terrible - it was sort of the same problem; if they weren’t going to hire a good fight coordinator, why make the series at all?

The fundamental problem with this show is that the overarching plot seems to have been dictated entirely by budget, and so we’re getting the interesting part of the story in episodes 1 and 8 with six episodes of padding. Everything else feels like a contrivance to keep them on Earth, in civvies, not using their

I”m so happy to have this show back.

We’ve already got “Harvey Weinstein masturbating” up there. You can’t really do anything to make that worse.

My guess is that the plan was to find an excuse to take their shuttle and go once they had the bible copied, with the Krill none the wiser. If they just stole the (giant, heavy) bible and ran, it would have been noticed immediately.