Ben Grimm

He’s not actually dating those women, they’re just his coke hook-ups.

I don’t know why he’d be watching human porn, since his phylum all reproduce asexually.

The AV Club (Kinja Edition)

Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place.

Never believe a word I say or follow any of my advice.

Nobody has all the answers. Nobody ever will have all the answers. Never, ever trust anyone who says they have all the answers.

I think Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have probably converted more people to atheism than Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens could have ever dreamed of.

Eh, it’s not like Bob Woodward looked anything like Robert Redford, either. This isn’t exactly new.

There’s a “What’s on Tonight” Disqus group CaliCheeseSucks and Whistler are running.

There are three spinoff communities for the AVC community, two of which had been around for ages before the switchover was announced. Most of the community is still together, it’s just still together on those sites, because it’s easier to have a conversation on them than it is on Kinja.

“I know my co-workers. None of them touch will eat sushi. Village Inn is about as exciting as they get.”

The Captain America starring JD Salinger’s son, with an Italian Red Skull?

I think they could, but they’d need a really gifted showrunner and a huge budget, neither of which they have.

I wouldn’t trust that dumbass with my dog.

They’ve got me at Lockjaw. The rest of the show could be the Big Bang Theory and I’d still watch the Lockjaw scenes.

I still think the best thing he ever did was the Clerks animated series. He needs to find something like that where he can just goof around until he’s inspired enough to make a film that doesn’t sound like something he made on a dare.

You remember how they used to post clickbait and then we’d have fun in the comments either ignoring the clickbait or mocking it?

That was after the accusations leaked out, and smacks of damage control.