The police do tend to be a bit SWAT happy, but when a call comes through with 'men armed with shotguns and multiple hostages' time does tend to be a critical factor.
The police do tend to be a bit SWAT happy, but when a call comes through with 'men armed with shotguns and multiple hostages' time does tend to be a critical factor.
Agree. You're absolutely right in saying that not all evidence is necessarily relevant. Criminal defense lawyers are paid to defend their clients - even if they're guilty. While I would say a good many are ethical lawyers, there are definitely plenty who aren't and will obfuscate the truth any way they can. Johnny…
well, rumor wise, He punch a producer due to a closed restaurant refuse to service a hungry-clarkson after a photo-shoot? Some accommodation problem?
Amanda Waller just took over the NBPA. The owners are screwed.