
I know plenty of parents who manage to keep a healthy marriage even with a kid or two, and the underlying theme in every single case is that they had a relationship and marriage based on mutual love, respect, acceptance, and humanity long before any zygotes entered into the equation.

Kids are the ultimate crucible. If

A father here. I’m not afraid to sound like an asshole in this forum, I just do not care what anyone thinks about what I have to say.. And here it is - I’ve never loved anyone or anything as much as my 2yo little girl, and that’s the truth. She is a lot (a lot!) of work for us - but every time she learns something

Bluntly it’s a crapshoot - for some it’s great, for others a nightmare but mostly it’s in between.

Ummmm. I’m a mom. It’s not the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Oh my god, I sound like an asshole, don’t I? Jesus. Oh well.