
Then when you climb on my hood and pound on my windshield when I’ve got my kids in the back?

Let’s see if you can tell the difference when you’ve picked your kid up from daycare and these folks are pounding on your windshield.

So people protesting have the right to break your windows, beat on  your car, threaten you... just because you are trying to get home and they are in your way?  

Yep. Counterpoint to article: You take an offramp on your way to daycare with your kid in the rear seat. Round the corner, headed right into a group of protesters. You hit your brakes, they swarm the car, start pounding on the hood and windows. You can’t backup, you’re surrounded. Fearing for your life (you’ve seen

Are the crowds standing around singing Beatles songs or banging on the car with deadly weapons? Bit of a difference don’t you think? 

Per the article, the average daycare worker makes 10.82 per hour. That’s $432.80 per week at 40 hours per week. Unemployment has been boosted by $600 per week, so many of the workers are probably making double what they did while working.

Customers do not owe business their patronage. That mindset is entitled bull and a great example of everything that is wrong in the U.S.

It behooves the business to make it available, not the customer.

They and the other 20 million low paid workers who are now unemployed have my sincere sympathy. I’m not wealthy either and just as worried about my own future as they are.

I’m certainly not paying for something I’m not receiving. If that means I have to more to find a new place later, so be it.

Why should anyone pay for a service or a product they are not receiving?

Nobody wants to get sick and nobody wants to die. If a given Instacart worker is especially scared of getting sick and dying of a communicable disease, a job where they’re forced to interact with the public all day is a terrible choice in jobs.

It seems pretty dumb to “strike” from your unskilled, non-union job when there are millions of people suddenly out of work, or with infinity extra hours in their day to kill.