
There's always room for Solo.

Well, we never saw a body. You know that you cannot confirm a death without a body (and even then it’s still iffy in movies).

That was my biggest problem with VII: no more Han? No way.

Still wished Luke, Han and Leia had a scene together in TFA :(

It would be interesting if Luke has a way to reach out to Han, one of my biggest gripes about TFA (loved it overall) was that we never got a Luke/Han interaction.

Yeah, I haven’t really understood the “new characters are underdeveloped” criticism of The Force Awakens. These are already fully-formed people and of course we’re not going to know everything about them from the get-go. I still know enough about who they are and what they stand for that I can cheer for them and wait

There is never enough of Han Solo

If a hipster fakes their artisanal product and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

If you click over to the article there are pictures showing before they grew beards to dupe hipsters into paying 10 bucks a bar for remelted chocolate. It's fucking hilarious and reminds me of the duck dynasty bros.

Is a hipster’s word worth nothing these days?

Somewhere (in Portland, probably) there’s a machine that spits dudes like those guys out by the dozens. We must find this machine, lest we be flooded with inane conversations about small batch bourbon and banjo / mustache wax.

Met the Mast brothers at a party. Nice enough guys, but it was a birthday party and their “present” was like, 20 bars of their own chocolate. Some of us opened a bunch and shared them....never seen so many polite “ good” grimaces. I’m not sure that adding pepper to chocolate justifies a $12 price tag.