i learned this today

Sounds like a movie I’d never want to watch and at the same time something I’ve seen before. Dystopian deja vu or derivative storytelling or archetypal dilemma maybe all three who knows anymore *screaming upside down emoji* (there’s not one to my knowledge but there should be)

David Cronenberg called it with Videodrome.

This was basically the plot of some movie I saw a long time ago called Demonlover from 2002 (I had to look it up since all I could remember were a couple of the actors in it). It’s apparently about getting desensitized to all the terrible shit the Internet can make available.

Add streaming, interactive snuff channels to the list of horrors that clearly indicate the dystopian future is now.

I agree with you 100%.  Yet, in spite of the warnings by the FBI regarding white supremacy/domestic terrorism being the #1 threat to this society, it will continue to be ignored and scenes like this will continue to play out.  

Cops aren’t attacking Trump’s nazis the way they attack anti-fascists out of professional courtesy.

Lol notice that the Nazis and right wing terrorists haven’t been shot at yet.

A nazi riot of right wing domestic terrorists.

Now now.. I’m sure they are very fine people... *grin*

They need to be executed for treason. Aiding and abetting a group hostile to the country is one of the few things that has the death penalty as punishment.

Black America: Cleaning up White People’s shit since 1619

Never have I wanted to punch a person for wearing a mask, until I saw that exact thing. White guy in a tRump 2020 mask. But, I’m better than that and already mailed my ballot so...

At Trump’s campaign stop in Toledo a couple weeks ago, the Ohio Lt Gov was speaking as a warm-up and got boo’ed down from the stage for holding up a Trump 2020 Keep America Great face mask and encouraging everybody to buy one.  I guess at least they were being consistent(ly horrible people).

That entire statement of Graham’s could have been summarized by that phrase.  That’s an amazing way to accidentally flash the Klan robes there, Blanche!

“South Carolinians do not appreciate Harrison putting himself above others,” Graham continued,

I’ve always called it making kitty eyes. And yeah, the cat smiles at you enough, you eventually learn how to smile back.

I feel like these posts are just a pretext to show us more Cheddar pics. In such case I would like to state that I’m all for more Cheddar content with or without science. Please.

“:this one weird trick” gave away the worthlessness of the post, but not in the ironic way intended I guess.

This is something most people who’ve had a cat for over 10 years eventually picked up on their own after watching the cat do it to them.