i learned this today

The are good people on both sides of this argument...

This is terrible. Funny as hell and terrible.

We can agree to disagree...

I’d like to think my personal ethics would be better at that age, but I cannot be sure. I get where you are coming from, but I don’t agree in giving her a pass.

I would love this to be true but it smells of hyperbole. If you can provide a source than you can help everyone get out from this crushing hell that we’re in.

Well that is unConstitutional and just plain fuckery.

Federal laws do trump state laws, that is why we have our constitution.

Very stable genius...

not an accused sexual predator

This is such an accurate take. It’s like they just want to wait it out and learn nothing along the way.

This group of old men (Bush Sr., Biden, et al) all have these skeletons in their closets. This is why they shouldn’t run:

Start is not part of the Konami code. Just sayin’

They could be worried that there is “nothing to see here,” a la Geraldo and Capone’s vault.


I had a friend in college who got sucker punched at a bar and it broke his jaw. He got a $45k settlement out of it.

Stick with your video games, reality is way too fucking hard for you.

Wow, you’re special. A gun’s purpose is to kill. A car’s purpose is transportation.

One of the “officers” says early on that “this is fucked.” I agree with the statement but not as he intended.

Nah. She’s not blonde and named Ivanka...

So, without getting into too much detail I know a lot about the inner workings of this school - the board and Jerry Jr. especially are desperate to be taken seriously as a “real” university instead of a right-wing scam school. Their plan was to do so through athletics and they are working towards that goal. The