
Thanks! I don’t read this site so wasn’t sure of it’s reputation, but now see it’s a magnet for haters. Gotta close the page and walk away. Last Wed I tried to link up with them but couldn’t find them on the river, but I have met with other cool bike people in LA and am doing critical mass on Friday. I’m really

Thanks! Although to me publicity stunt signifies a contrived attention-grabbing ploy, which this was not. I had strong reasons to embark across the country and use a bike share bike. After 5 months yet fewer than 300 followers on Twitter and Facebook, I’ve kept a pretty low profile and focused instead on offline

Actually the media contacts me, and both The Guardian and DNA were thoughtful pieces. Sometimes they don’t (looking at you, Chris Mills/Gizmodo), and it results in completely misguided click bait. I’ve tried to focus the conversation on the importance of how bike commuting can lead to better mental and physical

Thanks ninjagin! I didn’t make it to Denver but hear great things about the city and the B-cycle program there.

Hi Arken, I was an experienced bike commuter in NYC but didn’t do any training for this.

I had specific and strong reasons to use (and ultimately return) the bike share bike. This misleading piece doesn’t cover any of that.

No, the bike is being returned to NYC.

You completely missed the point, Chris. By a long shot. This was not a competition to “win” or a “publicity stunt” to profit from. I spent five long, hard months on the road during which I met with bike/pedestrian advocates, bike sharing operators, and state dept of transportation officials in different communities -