
All over the US, huh? They charge you $500 and give you motorcycle plates from VT or some other state with basically zero rules. Then you’re on your own getting it legally registered in your own state. Or you keep driving it as an out-of-state “motorcycle” until you get into an accident or are pulled over by a cop

Except they paid for a perpetual license to build that exact vehicle. And they were selling it to a completely different market. Nobody considering buying a new Wrangler would decide to get an offroad-only CJ clone to save a few grand. If anything, it was competing with UTVs, a market Jeep isn’t even in.  Your China

Haven't seen Blues Brothers?  WTF is wrong with you?

Strongly Seconded. And Thirded by a vegetarian family member

That’s interesting... I can tolerate an Impossible burger if it is grilled fresh, but I’ve not found a way to make Beyond “meat” enjouable for anyone in my family. There’s just something about it that seems to trigger queasiness for all of us. Cheap patties like Boca or Morningstar win over Beyond in this house, hands

I think you may have dropped a few decimal places there...

I’ve used iPhone in the past, didn’t like it. My wife uses one, and I still don’t like it. But really, there’s very little difference. Same with Windows vs IOS. There are features on one that are better than the other, and vice-versa.

Hey guys - over here - I found Ray Park’s Kinja account!

My tween-age son loved the Bad Batch episodes, was disappointed that they didn’t show up in the second half of the season, and is now thrilled to hear that they’ve returning. Me, I’m pretty *meh* about it, but I suspect that I’m not the target audience. Then again, neither of us cared for Resistance, so time will

Ooh, Vette! First ever real-world street driving sim (or as close as was possible back in the day). That’s a genre that I’d love to see come back with modern tech.

I stopped ealy in season 4, so sure, they may have turned it from a rambling mess into a finely plotted story with compelling character arcs. Maybe they even nailed the ending, rather than leaveling the audience in limbo?

I agree with Coots as far as JJ is concerned. At least Lindelof has gone on to create some actual stories, rather than the rudderless episodic pulp that JJ loves.

It felt painfully obvious after the first 3 seasons that they didn’t have any roadmap for the story. “Just keep spewing out episodes for as long as they’ll watch” was the exact reason why American TV had sucked for decades. Lost just managed to draw people in with a facade of mystery, but without an underlying plan,

One of the key lessons of Suspense 101 is that you have to constantly answer smaller questions while building towards larger ones (which is the basis for JJ’s over-simplified “mystery box”). Lost rarely, if ever, provided any satisfying answers, only more questions, which killed any real suspense or mystery.

You don’t need <nerd> tags here, Kinja auto-adds them to all IO9 posts by default...

Bill Gates bred them to implant us all with his tracking microchips, and those things will tear through tinfoil in seconds.

If we’re going to nitpick over the details from our favorite Magical Space Samurai story...

A: she’s not a Jedi

Jesus Christ, where’d you get that Cadillac!?

Chilton published Dune? This needs to be a Jalopnik cross-post!