
If that one thing is shootingdribblingpassingstealing you might be right.

He is DEFINITELY the worst Baldwin brother.

No Syracuse? That team that was in the Final Four last year and is looking like another contender this year? The Boheim hate extends to Deadspin too I guess.

The soundtrack & video editing are the real MVP of this clip. I’m in tears and my coworkers are looking at me funny.

Exactly. Console gamers for the win.

Well, they definitely aren’t using it to get pussy.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

One of the biggest answers to Sombra imo. Winston. He still continues to be one of the best answers to just about every squishy in the game. Sombra being no exception. His damage is constant and doesn’t require aim so as long as he’s on her she can’t invis or hack. Completely forcing her out or killing her.

No one cares about your fantasy football team.

What do the Bucks have to do with this?

So will the crispr make me a little bit taller?

Jimmy Butler is also familiar with the 10 plagues—he refers to the NBA Draft as passover.

Come on, Arkansas. That’s your rival.

No less fulfilling than Peyton Manning winning a ring behind Denver’s defense while having an abortion of a season personally

Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

Wine comes in a bottle?

It almost looks like Ryan Gosling from Remember The Titans made it to the NFL, but he’s still mad about all the racism at his high school.

This is a pressure-filled situation for a young quarterback. Can Goff go 3-4 and secure Fisher’s legacy?

My testicles are vibrating with boundless energy for I am deeply excited to see Jerrum Gwelfph do good passes with his friends.