Repeat after me.....
Repeat after me.....
Would you call it a.....small comeback?
Hands down my favorite single issue of comics.
I grew up with BC and AD and I’ll die with BC and AD
I saw Inside Out based on a recommendation shortly after the birth of my daughter.
He would be more likely to name the states he didn’t win because hate drives him
Holy Hell that looks amazing.
As much as I love the theory that secretly Franklin Richards has been using his cosmic level powers to hold the timeline in stasis so he never has to grow up I think that the only real answer to this is
This is one the dumbest things I have ever seen people get upset about.
I love that “Do you know what your children are?” House Ad.
I like to think nobody ever talked about it again because the space slugs actually won in the end.
Dear God now its ALL I can see.
Moana is the best Disney movie.
I grew up watching the Patriots. My dad had season tickets in the 70's and early 80's when he couldn’t give the fucking things away. I watched this shit team embarrass themselves while freezing my nutsack off on a metal bench in fucking January.
When you truly perfect your transporter take me in the world of the Jack Burton and Ash Williams team up. That’s the world I want to live in.
Peter has a far better costume than Miles.
+1 Sydney Applebaum
While 9/11 happened in the Marvel Universe I always read ASM #36 as an out of continuity story.