
They were non-grey even before anyone had liked or commented. Can we PLEASE just accept that the grey/ungrey experiment was a failure and scrap it?

I don't know why, but for some reason I am fully convinced the new KW baby is going to be named Gladiator.

“We did not...intentionally group girls together based on any racial characteristics”

Her proposal is very silly, but not because it negates women who don’t choose to have sex or (God help me) because it will lead to rape. It’s stupid because it’s shallow, performative, seemingly narcissistic claptrap that won’t be adopted and won’t accomplish anything. Women abstaining from sex is not the cause of rape

Alyssa Milano’s “activism” seems mostly centered around generating attention for Alyssa Milano.

I’m going back to good ole Elisabeth Hasslebeck’s meltdown on the View because she didn’t like the morning after pill. She showed her true colors that she just didn’t want women to have options. To some mothers burdened with their own children the only thing they wish for is to see another woman burdened too.

People like to peddle Lysistrata as an empowered feminist, but it was a comedy written by a man, performed by men to an all-male audience for laughs. Let’s not. 

Let’s not discount the potential effect of this idea. If we get 100% buy-in from all of the empowered pro-choice feminists who happen to be the primary sexual partners of anti-abortion lawmakers, we could be talking about threes or even fours of people.

Also, some women like to have sex, a sex strike isn't just a punishment for men. That sex is a bargaining chip for women is a very outdated view. I’m sure it happens, a lot even, but we’re never going to evolve away from that if women keep saying things like this

Ok sex strike may be extreme and counterproductive but if I was a Georgia woman I would triple up on my birth control. No babies until assurance is given that something like a birth defect or an ectopic pregnancy won't be used to prosecute me

“JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.”

she’s claiming don’t vote for the best candidate, don’t have sex, etc.! I respect her vocalism, but I don’t like when the freedom to choose comes with the price of having to limit yourself and limit your freedoms even more.

Yeaaaaaah... I don’t think this is the way either? I mean, isn’t Milano negating the women and girls that, un-fucking-fortunately, do not “choose” to have sex? If this thing actually picks up momentum, I feel like it is just going to make certain dudes more aggressive and turn to rape, because ultimately, it’s all

I’m thinking Alyssa Milano’s partner is pretty “woke” as it is, so I’m sure he doesn’t need to be convinced about the importance of abortion rights. And she’s probably not sleeping with those who need to be convinced anyway, so it won’t make much difference to them if she’s on a sex strike. They’re probably married to

She didn’t hear directly from the company until almost 12 hours later, at 12:34 p.m. on Thursday.

What do you mean, “if”?


Funniest to me Holly popping in on his divorce post and then EVERYONE going after her.

This was a wild ass ride this morning reading this, like I watched a few of his videos but was never attached.