
This. I continue to be amused by the puritanism-masquerading-as m-feminism comments that always pop up when a porn article gets posted. There’s always been a puritanical faction among feminists even though their heads explode when you point this out. 



Thank you for doing this so I didn’t have to.  And I really wanted to.

Oh, bother...

It actually much more likely that the original designs looked like the ‘fix’ you saw, but were rejected by those in charge for insanely stupid reasons.

That’s nuts. It’s not as though the Catholic clergy even plays video games. HEY-OH!

Judging by the craptastic design of the blue monster and weird music they used in the trailer, it’s a garbage fire.

Leaked footage of the new design found.

Going by the trailer, I don’t think anyone’s confident that the story will be any good.

Alita and her eyes.  They changed them and fans were much happier.

And knowing what big companies are like

The awfulness of the current design will not be dissipated until the design gets replaced, and probably not even then. That’s just how massive and obvious a design failure it is.

So have paper/cardboard containers caught up to styrofoam, especially for hot drinks? I noticed McDonald’s and other burger joints changed their containers some time ago.

Why don’t conservatives just consider ceasing all sexual activity since they find it to be so disgusting? I think it’ll work itself out in a few decades or so.

because sex work automatically means you have problems?! no. the only ones here with problems are those who have clearly been repressed enough to think this was ever a big deal in the first place. its sex, big flipping deal! half the kids in high school are already doing it! if a guy wants to go fuck any number of

If by “fuck ups”, you mean “people who can’t afford to send their daughter to college”, you may be right. But on a different, vastly more important level, you’re massively, massively wrong.

Your use of repetitive, gross euphemisms to describe sex seems to suggest that you have issues, not Ms. Fink. This is a profile of a student - like many other profiles of students that have been written in many HS newspapers across the country. This student just happens to be a sex worker.

With all the concerns about crossing lines in schools today there is NO WAY parents wouldn’t have rioted in the streets if this article was published. I have a friend who gave up trying to work as a teacher, in part because of incidents like a fellow teacher getting fired because he used the word “bullshit” when

there was an episode of malcolm in the middle like this. in the episode, the students published a ‘zine and distributed it off campus. it was a great episode (with loribeth from all that!).