Sounds like they were sour about something. Probably disappointed that the Lemonheads weren’t there.
Sounds like they were sour about something. Probably disappointed that the Lemonheads weren’t there.
I hope it is.
the string that goes through the hole is supposed to meet with the other, dangling string and be tied. This loose bond is what holds the wearer into the dress,
I’ve been researching various books with sex and romance and holy shit biscuits, there’s some really fucked up ideas about love in those books. And it’s not just fan-fic. Books from big publishing houses are nearly as bad. I read a review for one book about a girl who falls for this guy who hacks her computer to…
Your guillotine is itching? Better get the poor chap to a doctor.
I know. I just think crimes by companies and the rich are worse because they affect a much larger number of people. We just kind of let those go cause, “Well, no one died at least” or any number of other arguments.
Perhaps this will be a bit of an unpopular opinion. I think non-violent actions by corporations and people in positions of power are more evil than even the most extremely violent and gruesome actions by any lower-class individual. First of all, those ultra-rich corporations and people often only accrue such…
I ain’t risking it. If you want to volunteer to test it out, I support you all the way.
I like it. Add it to all the survival guides.
It’s getting dark *to dark to see
Fun Fact: Frequent cannibalistic practices will literally drive you insane. When you eat your own kind it creates prions in the brain leading to neurodegenerative diseases. It was a major issue during the Mad-Cow epidemic some years ago.
Nah, just a bit more veiny.
I think you’re a great blogger, Rebecca.
“Power up the Issa Ray.”
Meh, what’s in a name? A turd by any other name is still shitty.
It ain’t no big thing, just a chicken wing.
I meant Harry Styles and Justin Timberlake. Have they ever been in the same room.
In my mind, Nicks has thought Harry Styles was Justin Timberlake this entire time and only just realized they’re two different people last night.
It’s just a funny story I like to tell.
you have to wear it for the rest of your life. it should cost a lot of money.