
Yeah, I gotta side with these guys on this one, Linda. I still haven’t seen it, plan to, but am still interested in reading about it until I do. I know it’s been a few weeks, but spoiler warnings are just a courtesy, and I was not expecting to see that plot spoiler in this article.

And Avatar 2 shows that guns are bad.  TA-DA!  Same thing.  You’ve just got a raging hard on for hating Avatar.

The fuck are you talking about? Kubrick was famously terrified of nuclear weapons, absolutely hated them, to the point he considered moving his family thousands of miles away to a place unlikely to ever be attacked with nuclear weapons.

There was one single scene in Avatar 2 (literally the first scene, even) where they attacked a supply train and Jake stole some guns because, well, he’s a marine. That is then followed by over three hours of the good guys not using guns while the comically over the top villains use guns at every opportunity.

“Stanley Kubrick Sure Seems to Still Be Fetishizing Nuclear Weapons in ‘Dr. Strangelove’”

Because a lot of authors don’t need to put spoilers in their article when talking about the themes of the movie. And putting a spoiler alert on your article takes hardly any time and shows actual respect for your readers instead of your snide comment. 

I think this movie making a billion in such short time has io9 a little frazzled. Can't wait to read how James Cameron is culturally appropriating the Na'vi after it hits the two billion mark.

Oh, Please. Look you can have a movie with guns that does not romanticize guns. Just like you can have a war movie that shows heroism but also shows the senselessness of war.

One of the most violent 10 minutes on screen is the opening of Saving Private Ryan. But I dont think anybody thinks of that movie as pro

OK, did I miss the spoiler alert? I mean, the movie just came out less than 2 weeks ago, this very site has pointed out that Cameron’s movies have legs and tend to continue to get eyes on them for weeks; and you’re just gonna casually drop that one of the Sully kids dies by gunshot?

I think he’s in a difficult position where his own politics make him want to avoid what he considers “fetishization” of violence, specifically gun violence, but even he can’t deny that what he excels at as a director are big loud explodey action spectacles.

The weirdest part of this whole thing is...TEN MINUTES? That’s a huge chunk of time to cut if ALL that’s going on in that footage is just GUN GO BUDDABUDDABUDDA.

I was going to nominate Harvey Weinstein, but his hands might be cuffed.

Agree and honestly Rogue Squadron has so much more potential as a series

Let Tony Gilroy or Gareth Edwards take over Rogue Squadron. Andor had shown how good a gritty, messy, clever Star Wars franchise can be.