
Might be that younger generations don’t kiss and tell as often. I know I don’t share all the shit I do.

What in the gosh darn diddley...

Dick Rider? Is this real? Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a simulation and the Corgi at the controls is trolling me.

They also had Robert Patrick. Maybe in a couple episodes they might have Linda Hamilton or Arnold Schwarzenegger to come on.

“Should we be concerned about the boss’s skull collection?”

Maggie rejecting the offer reminds me of something Mike said to Walter: “We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! But you had to screw it up! YOU! And your pride. And your ego.”

“Do you guys do anything useful?”

Was a little disappointed that Carol didn’t fully clear the cellar before looking through the wine. Seems sloppy.

In general, Pokemon has had the better games and Digimon has had the better shows. I’ve fallen behind on both series’ recent releases, but it’ll be nice to jump back in and see how things are.

Why did Carol know where the wine was? There was a scene where she went into a wine distributor and looked through their delivery records. Pretty simple.

At first I thought you were talking about Luke Skywalker and was confused. Then I realized you meant the guy with Connie, Yumiko, Etc. Yeah, haven’t seen him recently

Would’ve been more believable if he just pushed the table the girls were standing on over to the window. People should hire me as a script doctor.

First off, I thought it was funny Negan showed up AFTER Maggie had already done the work of burying Alden.

I assume the fact that they exploded in popularity recently has something to do with increased prices.

I can actually taste butter though. I don’t notice any unique flavors from avocados.

I think looking purely at basic availability is a bit short sighted. I’m more concerned about widespread, AFFORDABLE, LUDICROUS SPEED internet. I joke a bit, but seriously, the current state of regional internet monopolies makes it expensive for the average person to reasonably afford internet that’s fast enough to

I said from the beginning Stadia was doomed. I honestly forgot about it and thought it was already gone. First of all, before game streaming can even be attempted I think American internet has to be in a much better place. There are still companies that have data caps for fucks sake. And their infrastructure is shit.

Unfortunately, the way Texas’ constitution is written, pretty much only rich people are able to run for office. It’s a little complicated, but basically the salary for the state offices was written a long time ago and then never updated. They are paid such a tiny amount that they have to either have a second job or

I mean, California is on fire half the time and gets Earth quakes. I think every place has pros and cons.

Weird timing given the Italian Incident last week.