
The solution is pretty simple actually. Just go in with A BIG FUCKING STICK!

Do comic book colorists USUALLY get copyrights over what they color? I’m not so familiar with the comics industry and I’ve never thought about who exactly is able to claim ownership. Seems weird, confusing, inefficient. It makes more sense for writers to get copyrights by default and everyone else that works on a

We’re tiny, we’re toonie, we’re all a little loonie.

Springsteen, Madonna. Way before Nirvana.

That’s a cool way to look at things.

I’m not sure if Connie knows, but Carol felt responsible for Connie getting trapped in that cave and lost for so long. Someone likely told her. So I guess this is her way of saying she forgives Carol and there’s no hard feelings.

I think there’s at least 5 or 6 that have died since we heard that number. And it sounds like the Reapers took over Meridian somewhat recently, like a couple month ago, but I’m not sure on that detail.

I don’t think Daryl has made it over to Maggie yet, Negan was with her when she looked up. Although the editing in those shots was confusing, so maybe neither of us are right. But I’m pretty sure it is Maggie and Negan that looked up at Leah.

I was a little disappointed at how Pope died. Was hoping to see him put in an entertaining fight against Daryl. The Reapers as a whole seem to be just minor villains, which is fine. We’ve had some good ones before like the Claimer Gang and the cannibals from Terminus. Bad guys that are only around for a handful of

That’s actually very clever. I hope the writers did that intentionally.

I need to see him in action before I can say for sure. As of right now though, not very scary at all.

So obviously Hornsby want to overthrow Pamela somehow. I’m wondering if he planned way back to incorporate Stephanie’s radio man into his schemes. Like, he hears about this outside group that’s been surviving this whole time. Maybe he helps them get in, do them some favors. And then when he calls in his favors he asks

I think it’s designed to fall to the bottom of the wall on the inside. Maybe it depends on how it was installed, not sure.

I just imagined Gabe running house to house like, “Maggie? You in here? No? Damn!” until he finds the right house.

It was hard to see, but it kind of looked like Virgil got stabbed with a pointy stick.

That was legitimately scary. The feral dudes don’t make sense, but the end result was good enough that I give it a pass, C+ or B-. They make about as much sense as any other horror movie villain/monster. Like, Michael Myers survied getting shot in the eyes, being set on fire, an explosion, getting his head cut off,

Personally, I prefer to just pretend Apple TV doesn’t even exist. If it fails, that content will go to other services. If it doesn’t fail, meh, whatever. There’s literally more movies, shows, games, books than anyone could get to in a lifetime.

Oh, I love Macbeth!

Then why did he look a bit concerned when Yumiko mentioned it? If people in the Commonealth already know he’s a surgeon, he shouldn’t care if she mentions it out loud. I think there are some miscalculations in your assumptions.

It looked like he didn’t want them to know he’s a surgeon.