
First of all, call them sex workers. Second, don’t steal their crutches, that’s mean. They have enough to deal with as it is.

Some people would probably be proud to host a “hero” in their home.

Absolutely. These things work in stages. Most first tries fail but result in success down the road. These guys also experimented with glow in the dark paint and paints that change color with temperature. None of them can actually work long term, but damn they look cool. And that’s really the main point. Try cool stuff

If I were ever gonna get my car painted in one of their paints (the red to black color shifting one is incredible) I think I’d rather pay a professional to do it for me. Or I’d just do a small design instead of the whole car if I did it myself.

Because everyone should know he’s an asshole always and forever. Must be mentioned at any opportunity.

Those components have reflectors built into them. Or, on my car they are at least. You can test this yourself, just shine a flashlight at your car’s headlights or tail lights and they will shine. So theoretically you can drive towards a musou black car at night and ONLY see those reflectors and that would be pretty

I think it’s a recent video on their channel, you can probably find it in 2 minutes.

It’s an experiment. Practicality isn’t a goal and they state several times in the video they discourage anyone else from trying to do this to their own car.

It ain’t easy being green.

Don’t jump over guns, that’s dangerous! You damn hooligans!

he referred to himself in the third person.

I think this would only be acceptable if the chargers were standardized. Apple uses proprietary chargers, so fuck those twats specifically. Most other phone manufacturers use standard chargers, so it actually does make sense for everyone except Apple to exclude chargers. Until of course there’s a new standard like the

What tangible and real changes has that brought? Very little. A few minor laws such as the KAREN Act. Empty, hollow actions and promises from a few corporations.

I will only believe that when I see people do things that actually get results. Words on websites are useless. Such slactivism only serves to make oneself feel important. True change will come with greater speed and efficiency with a promise of blood.

Also, I’m astounded that Yahoo is still the 6th most visited website in the U.S.

I mean, couldn’t one of us or one of the journalists just try to apply for partnership and see what they require?

I think the first part of this series is a great example of underwhelming. There’s doom and gloom, but it also feels like it was written for very little kids. Now, many modern shows for kids are legitimately well written and can be enjoyed by adults. Not this series. Very dumbed down. There are some deaths but the

It’s almost cool if it were actually relevant to the larger story or lasts more than a few minutes. As is, it comes out of nowhere and is just random. That’s just one example. The rest of the writing and world building also needs more work. I really wanted to like it, Transformers are cool and the War for Cybertron

I just found it poorly handled, a lazy feeling bit thrown in. The lore behind them is almost interesting but it doesn’t go anywhere and it is all over in just a few minutes. And many other story bits are handled the same way. There’s almost something interesting but it’s mostly a few throw away lines and nothing is

I couldn’t jive with the first part of the series. The writing was weak and the world felt empty. Like, I seriously felt like there was only 100 bots total on the entire planet. The writing was my biggest problem though. Too often the choices characters made and the way they acted didn’t make that much sense to me.