
That’s confusing to me. Can’t they just say, “Out of Stock” or “Temporarily Out of Stock” instead? I see that all the time on Amazon and lots of other sites like these. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any item on any site have a ridiculous price instead of just saying they’re out of stock. Seems silly.

I already get paid to poop at work.

Or Gru and minion.

Bloody hell, I hate programming. I appreciate the clarification, but I only understand about 70% percent of it.

Sounds like a cinch!

I’d taken some programming classes and we always used the terms “parent” and “child” for stuff like this. I’ve actually never heard it called master and slave before. Is this something that only Github does?

I’m writing at about the pace of George RR Martin. Writing is hard, yo.

That sounds like a racket to me.

What about licking testicles?

Funny thing about the Boston Tea Party: The patriots were given strict instructions to not loot a single thing. They were only there to throw tea into the harbor. The only action of force was one broken lock, which the patriots replaced the next day.

What’s your solution? You tell us.

What’s your solution? What absolute genius idea do you have to always prevent this for all of eternity with no chance if it being circumvented in any way either conceivable or inconceivable?

I genuinely think we should subsidize world travel for children. People need to be exposed to many other cultures from a young age. Sections in textbooks or documentaries aren’t enough. It’s best to allow children to be fully immersed in another culture.

I don’t think she was even really scared. I think she simply had her pride hurt (very easily) and couldn’t handle it. Like, this woman cannot stand hearing the word “no” or having to follow the same rules as everyone else.

On the one hand, it’s good that there’s diverse representation on the council... holy fuck is this Star Wars? ... Sorry, got distracted. On the other hand she handled all of this in the worst way possible. A combination of poor choice of words and overall just saying too much.

I can se very well in the dark, so in actuallity I’m just making it accurate to what I could realistically see by turning up the brightness. It’s more realistic!

Snape kills Gandalf.

Bleh, I hated Children Who Chase Lost Voices. It started off great but then it just annoyed me. It’s been a while since I saw it, but I don’t want to watch again.

Drat! I was really hoping Sonic The Hedgehog would sweep all the awards this year. It would have been so funny. Oh well, a guy can dream...

If you’re really interested you can look up a video on youtube for in depth explanation and specifics. Look up “lockpicking with a shim.”