
That sounds dumb. Who the hell is running this company?

The racks of my design should be able to hold 75 scooters on every convenience store exterior wall. They’ll take up less space than the various vending and ice machines already outside convenience stores.

So they degrade quickly due to being exposed to the elements and idiots just tossing them anywhere when they finish using them? (And also assholes that vandalize them)

Guys! Did you see when Palpatine killed Snape!? And then Snape said, “I’m your mother.” Oh! So epic!

IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!!!! *epic keyboard*

“This is my shotgun. It’s the tits. And this is my rocket launcher. It kicks ass.”

Everything is political. Just as everything is math, everything is history, science, art, etc. Blizzard themselves exploit gender and sexuality politics for profits. If Blizzard actually enforced a true “no politics” rule they wouldn’t be able to cherry pick those kinds of politics for their own gain. Someone

I’m not sure I trust that guy...

Good God almighty, people are pathetically desperate to hate this movie and see it fail. It’s fucking disgusting to see how some news media have tried to instigate a tragic event. It truly felt like they wanted people to get hurt. Anyone who actually believed that is an idiot and those journalists who pushed that

We’d have more than enough if huge corporations and the ultra rich would actually pay their taxes.

I eat in my car because the chairs are more comfy than what we have at work. We either have to stand while eating or sit in poorly shaped metal chairs.

Interesting. So could someone make an ad stating Mark Suckaburger punches 12 puppies everyone moring, oh and by the way buy my bath water. And have a disclaimer at the bottom saying, “No, not really” in text just a few pixels thick and also white text on a white background?

“The greatest form of charity is to pay your taxes.”

Yeah. Never thought it’d happen to me though.

Yes, they were right. I go their during lunch cause it’s literally next door to my job.

This reminds me of the time I went through Burger King’s drive-thru once and before I say anything the guy taking orders says over the intercom, “Pull up”.

It’s a lot more complicated than that. Activission/Blizzard (Don’t any of you ever separate the two for any reason) has a lot of shareholder they are required to keep happy. Losing an entire major market is going to make those shareholders absolutely lose their shit. Don’t forget that America still does have the

I prefer a good old hammer and anvil. Or maybe a reverse crescent with Libyan spear-men on the flanks.

When Alpha showed up she seriously looked like a wild animal waking up from a nap.

I disagree a little bit. There are a few ways to make it so not everyone is dumb or doing dumb things to advance plot and make conflict. Just look at real life and history for ideas. I mean, we have lots of interesting plots and conflicts going on right now despite your smart ass existing.