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Rick himself tells someone. Paraphrasing since I don’t remember exactly: “I know Judith is not mine. I know she’s Shane’s. But I love her like she was my own.”

Judith is not Rick’s biological daughter. She is Shane’s kid.

Test, test. is this account unbanned yet?

Test, test. Am I unbanned yet?

She’s a “braverman” than I.

If the residents of Flint were to drag the city leaders into the streets and beat them with baseball bats, I wouldn’t even be upset. (Half joking, half serious.)

Testing, testing. Am I unbanned yet?

Test, test. Is this account un-banned yet?

it occurs to me that maybe just flipping someone the bird and telling them to do something anatomically improbable and medically inadvisable to themselves is a better route to expressing frustration than this sort of shit.

Share with us those sweet insider tips.

That scene was during the day time. No knife was thrown after dark.

“Difficult” does not equal “Impossible”. Sucks that such bullshit is allowed at all. I’m sure some asshole would love to trademark the word “The” and sue as many people as they could.

It’s very difficult to trademark common words.

Test, test. Am I unbanned yet?

Test, test. Am I unbanned yet?

Hey, can you see my comments?

Hey, can you see my comments?

Hey, are you able to see my comments?

The coincidence is almost astronomically unlikely. Truly mind blowing.

Legends of the Hidden Temple? YOOOOOOOO!!!!! That’s my strawberry jam!