
So I’m taking a Games Narrative class and this week we had to write a 400-1,000 word hook. Last week we could write anything, but this week there can’t be anything fantastical, like it could believably happen to the average person.

drink his own semen at a baby shower.

“One of our conversion therapists turned gay! Do you know what this means, Tom?”

not one person involved in this assault would walk under their own power for the foreseeable future.

When I was a kid, chicken butt got an average of 30-60 seconds of laughter every time. The kids aren’t high, that’s just how they are naturally.

Oh wait! Now I remember this! There was an article about it last year I think. Financial domination, that’s it. I skimmed through Google too fast this time, my bad.

Bad people can be physically attractive. No need to be ashamed.


I got greyed on Kotaku for standing up for consumer rights. A writer got mad cause I had the nerve to prove he was wrong in front of all the readers. Meh, what can you do. *shrug*

Not nearly enough info on Death to make an informed decision. We gotta answer a few questions:

Rock me gently

“Come on sonny, give him a good ol’ handsy!”

The foot stuff actually makes a lot of sense considering how the body is mapped by the brain:

True, though it must be noted that 93% of people that regularly have anal sex orgasm from it. I would put an asterisk on that stat, as I don’t know the demographics of those polled. I doubt they’re all guys though. The butt is a common erogenous zone for many people after all. Bonus fact: Some people orgasm from their

The goat shot first.

to remind people of either their crushing loneliness

the metal that I usually listen to

“Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it.”