
Penis size is not dependent on overall body size in any way. It’s mostly a random dice roll, though there are a few things that can impact it such as smoking.

They love and support each other, have sex, watch TV, eat together. Just the normal sort of married couple stuff all other married couples do.

It’s pertinent to the topic at hand.

Got an image in my head of an owl biting off a penis. Thank you for that.

Wait, it got lost? Got some freakin condom snatching ninjas in your house?

I have several questions. The first of which is what is the average thrusts per minute?

While I agree with you to an extent, we should be acutely cautious about such business practices. This to me sounds like false advertising. Even if there’s little to no harm in most cases, even if the consumer ends up enjoying the product, the fact still remains that they were lied to. It would be like if a box of

I think it’s best to make plans to meet up in the very first message. Or at least within the first 5-10 messages. I don’t see any sense in getting attached to someone before ever actually meeting.

This is an obvious troll. Just automatically dismiss all their replies and ignore them.

I was exceedingly good at “The Floor is Lava”. I could actually maneuver around on just my big toes. I’ve lost a lot of that nimbleness though. I can still run and jump on just my toes and forefoot, but I wouldn’t dare attempt the big toe only trick now.

and force me to live as its imprisoned companion beneath the house.

I appreciate your words. I like to entertain people with my dumb-dumbness.

This is just for fun, so go for it.

I remember as kids we’d run full speed towards light switches to turn the lights on before the monsters could catch us. Because monsters disintegrated instantaneously when light hit them. And we had scientific evidence for this. We never saw monsters with the lights on, so obviously our assumptions must be correct.

Now playing

Oh! I learned JUST last night about how Tsavo male lions don’t have manes. And those are also the species of lions that were the famous Man-Eater lions featured in the book and film Ghost and the Darkness (though the ones in the film have manes for some reason). And they’re also in Kenya!

I’ve never heard the new remix by Minaj. I only listen to the original. I don’t have a big hatred of derivative stuff most of the time, I can enjoy a unique interpretation. I was never really into hip-hop in a big way though. I only like about 5-10% of hip-hop and rap.

I was making a joke, but it is good to keep that fact in mind so thanks for the reminder.

Oh yeah, gotta economize your time. Squeeze every second you can. Even better if you can multi-task. Sexing it up while you balance your check book? Perfection.

You would be mistaken.

That’s an interesting point. I wonder if they accounted for that...