
Ah yes, good point. I often forget our country’s sex-ed is terrible.

Holy nut balls!

I’m fine with people using “vagina” as shorthand most of the time. Unless going into important details or in clinical or scientific speak. I personally don’t think it’s too problematic.

The other option is to not move for the rest of my life or until she gets bored.

Slight tangent: Wolves have this sort of trust ritual they do. Kind of like how we might do a “trust fall”. They’ll let another wolf put their jaws around their own neck. The other wolf will then apply biting pressure, but not enough to penetrate. If the wolf receiving the trust bite pulls away, they can sustain

Hmm... Perhaps that’s the point? Cut back on drinking during a drink-heavy time of the year.

Yeah actually. Alcohol is probably the second most used socially acceptable harmful substance. The most used one is of course caffeine.

Hmm, worth a shot...

It looks like the sun is screaming.

That sounds really interesting. Wizards doing covert ops and what not.

I got a pretty high score when I helped my brother-in-law move last month. Like Tetris, but with couches and chairs and LAMPS! Those damn lamps!

Doesn’t the fact that he DIDN’T buy the booster packs mean he wasn’t being exploited? Like seriously, you can choose NOT to play Ultimate Team.

Does it count if it didn’t last forever?

It tells a story:

This reminds me of something.

It depends on how they are developing the cards. If separate people were writing descriptions and naming them it’s easy to see how this might happen. Do they name cards based on images alone? Maybe the person who named the card saw a lizard with a whip and thought, “hmm... Crack the Whip! Okay, on to the next one.”

That’s more due to disproportionate reporting. Media coverage of bad events is much bigger than coverage of good things. It makes it seem as though there’s 90% bad stuff happening.

Then again, maybe there should be a law that prevents CBS from filing any kind of lawsuit to begin with.

That sucks, but I get it. They own the copyright and so can do whatever they want with it. Even so, it would be nice if they were more tactful in how they handle stuff like this. Maybe the laws can be updated to better accommodate non-monetized fan works.

If I’m ever waiting for new content for a game, I just go play another game or do anything really until new content does arrive. Some people are idiots.