That is why you join a clan and meet some people to play with regularly.
Persona 5 will be pushed to Winter 2016 and then delayed again into 2017.
You have described my exact experience playing Diablo III with my wife, couch co-op. I’m playing as a Crusader, she as a Monk. We started from level 1 on the lowest difficulty and have increased the difficulty every time a new level is unlocked. I think were on Torment 1 now. The game never changes. I hold X or R2 and…
I have a hard time trusting Ubisoft is going to put out a quality product these days. IMO the setting is tired and uninspired. Post-apoloypse? Great. Been there, done that.
Yup. I had it pre-ordered until after I played the Alpha, at which point I dropped it like a hot tonne of bricks. I think I made the right decision.
As someone who worked for Apple for five years, I think this thing looks like a piece of shit. And you know that the second generation Apple Watch will be completely redesigned and make this thing look even more horrendous a year out from it's release.
You can start with Persona 4. Story-wise, you'll be fine. There are minor references to P3 in P4, but nothing major. I started on Persona 4 Golden and then went backwards to P3 FES.
His severed hand was shielded by all the midi-chlorians in his blood. Obviously. /s
Is it just me or does Kevin Spacey's hair look like a plastic helmet in that gif?
Can we all agree that Assassins Creed has jumped the shark?
I really liked Zelda II.
I image they'd just end up retconning the earlier games by revealing another "big bad" behind the Templars.
Thus "Unity".
Yup. I did miss the news about Dragon Age. However, Battlefield is a different (albeit very similar) game to Call of Duty, which is the one you mentioned. Personally, I don't care about FPSes anyway, so it doesn't affect me. And Persona Q will still dominate my game playing time... that is, until Persona 5 comes out.
Assassins Creed Unity releases October 28th and Dragon Age Inquisition releases October 7th. Call of Duty Advanced Warfare comes out November 4th - plenty of time for the average gamer to complete the 4 hour campaign mode and to burn out on the multiplayer rehash.
The reuse of the majority of the environments from Arkham City really put me off of Arkham Origins. I've still got it in the "to be completed" pile of PS3 games. I'll get back to it eventually. Other than that, what I've played of the game was mostly enjoyable Batman mayhem.
Why the fuck is Ni No Kuni on this list? Worst fucking game ever.
I find potato salad to be gross and unappetizing. -0/10, would not back.
I think calling the Destiny Alpha an "alpha" build was a stretch. It seemed more like an early beta build. My guess is that they called it an alpha for marketing purposes.