Good for you.
Good for you.
My sentiments exactly.
I'm gonna stand up for the Vita here. It's got a pretty decent library of games these days, especially if you like (J)RPGs (which I do) and it's more comfortable to play on than my 3DS. Plus, remote play from my PS4. It's a great feature when my wife is studying in the living room and I can't play on the big screen.
You can actually play a decent amount of games natively on Mac these days. Granted, the majority of them come to Windows first, but it is better than it used to be.
You can actually play a fairly large amount of games on Mac natively these days too. Granted, most games come to Windows first and then are ported to Mac, but it's not as bad as it used to be.
I too have been watching the entire Star Trek series from start to finish - although I started with TNG, mostly because my wife was not interested in TOS. I'm in the first season of Voyager now. I'll circle back and get TOS and TAS after Enterprise. I've never watched Enterprise, so I'm excited to get to it.
While we're waiting, check out the ESRB's description of the game, which pretty much nails it:
This was my favorite Sierra series of all time. Especially Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire. That game was awesome.
I will pre-order this Assassins Creed game, as I do all the others. But I'm not sold on the era/location if it is indeed during the French Revolution. It doesn't feel exotic enough.
I agree. Japan would be a great location. Re-reading Shogun right now and setting an AC game during that era would be a great match-up, I think.
Honestly, this doesn't look like a very exciting game. I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim but paying $15/mo for an Elder Scrolls WOW clone doesn't really appeal to me or my wallet.
All I'm going to hear is Kanji Tatsumi and Rise Kujikawa when I'm playing this game. Not that it's a bad thing. ;)
Gotta be honest here - kinda wishing you still were the JRPG guy at Kotaku. I know Jason is your colleague and all, but I haven't read an article by him that I can get behind in a long, long time.
How about any of the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games? I think they deserve to be mentioned.
Yeah, I agree completely. Take the recent Thief review as another example - sure, the game isn't perfect, but I've yet to encounter any of these so called bugs that were sited in Kotaku's review. In fact, I almost cancelled my Thief pre-order because of Kotaku's review, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm guessing I'm going to…
I've actually been enjoying the game quite a bit.
Ni No Kuni.
Okay - as silly as this sounds - this just convinced me to buy Bravely Default. I was going to wait until it had been out a while and was discounted, but fuck it.
This. This was my thought exactly when I read his letter. I mean, it's great he gets to go on and do his next big (or small) thing, but what about everyone else who works at Irrational? I mean, they could still create new games under the Irrational name. It doesn't have to be BioShock and there are other talented…
I used to love 24, but they started to lose me in season 6 and then the whole Tony thing in season 7 really just did the show in for me. I couldn't finish season 7, never watched 8. That being said, I may give this new 24 a shot.