Definitely Chie.
Definitely Chie.
I agree. These days I find myself playing on my Vita or 3DS more than my regular consoles. I haven't turned on the PS3 or PS4 in weeks.
I'm probably gonna import it anyway, because... fuck! Persona!
Welcome, friend. You're in for a wonderful ride.
I want Persona 5 more than any other game right now. And we don't even have a confirmed North American release or potential release date!
Recommended for the Peter Chung reference. Where is that guy these days? He's awesome!
Agreed. One thing I always kept in mind while doing support is that the person I'm helping likely has knowledge or a skill that I know next to nothing about. If I needed help from them in their area of expertise, how would I want to be treated?
I used to work for Apple and they had this kind of NDA stuff too. But they told you up front - don't ever post anything about Apple/related to your job on websites and social media or you will be fired.
Uhhh... what's the point of this? How was this decided? Did I miss a poll or something?
My understanding is that you can choose to play through as Yu or Makoto (aka Minato) and that the story will change to reflect their perspective. So, at least two play throughs on PQ for me. :-)
I started my love of Persona with P4G as well. After I completed it, I too wanted to go back and play other Persona games. I picked up P3P and was a little turned off by the "point and click" style of travel. I then picked up P3FES and have stuck with that, primarily. P3FES controls more like P4G, except in battle,…
I loved Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag. I am a long time fan of the series, and this felt like the game we should have gotten with Assassins Creed III. However, it's also the least "Assassins Creed" of any of the core AC games. I can't decide if this is a good or bad thing.
Besides maybe The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, I can't say I agree with anything on this list. However, Mr. Fahey has made me interested in checking out Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness, which I was unaware of.
It has my vote. I love me some Persona music.
I bought a launch edition PS4 through Amazon. I had the Watch Dogs bundle pre-ordered, but we all know what happened there. I also pre-ordered the PlayStation Camera.
Sweet, man. I will totally check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!
I had not heard of Resonance of Fate before now, but if you hated Ni No Kuni as much as I did, perhaps our taste in games is similar and this Resonance of Fate game might be worth checking out...
I have to strongly disagree with Ni No Kuni being one of the 12 "best" PS3 games. I think there are plenty of other games that deserve a spot more than it.
Despite being known for releasing "buggy" games, I love Obsidian. I'm super excited for this game. I'm glad I backed it.
Agreed. Too bad it's not coming to PS4 because I'm not going to buy an Xbox One just for this game. But, a few years from now once the price comes down on the Xbox One, this will be a good used game pickup with the console.