
Ultima VI is amazing. Ultima VII (parts 1 & 2) were pretty awesome as well.

I know how you feel. I played SWTOR when it first came out and found it to be pretty enjoyable. I quit for a while to play other games (and live life, you know) but was lured back by a friend. By this time the F2P change had been made. I found it insufferable.

Perhaps I just suck at video games, but I did level up my characters via grinding prior to the boss fight and I completed all side quests available up to that point.

I actually did spend time leveling up my "pokemon" or whatever they were called.


I'm not sure why this game got such great reviews, besides the fact that it was made by "Studio Ghibli". I've enjoyed some of their films, but it doesn't translate into compelling gameplay.

I had an almost similar reaction to a segment a little bit further in the game where there is a shootout in an office building. I played through that gun battle a shit ton of times and finally rage quit. A few months later I came back to it and was able to beat it in about five or six tries. That was the hardest part

I loved Police Quest as a kid. But I agree... that poker shit at the end was incredibly, incredibly lame. I was probably 8 years old when I played Police Quest 1. I had no clue how to play poker. I just guessed until I got through that segment.

It's a humbling moment to have to knock the difficulty down a notch. I've had to do it a few times on Shim Megami Tensi IV, but I haven't encountered a "nope" moment with that game yet... hopefully I won't!

Oh, I had to add a second one... hope you guys don't mind.

Ni No Kuni

Hahahahaha. So true, so true. It made no sense, thus why it was awesome.

I agree with you about Dragon Age. Who knows, maybe Inquisition will add some new things to the lore and make it more interesting.

They can probably make more money in the long run (and have more creative freedom) if they create an entirely new IP. One could argue that Forgotten Realms is derivative as well, but as far as fantasy RPG settings are concerned, it's got a lot of history and is very "comfortable" for those of us old school D&D

I really liked both KotOR and Jade Empire. I remember Jade Empire being really fun. You might be able to persuade me that Jade Empire was also a great game. It's certainly a shame that they never made a sequel.

I think for it's time BGII was a very polished game. That isn't to say that other BioWare games aren't polished, they are.

To each their own. I think KotOR is a great game, I just happen to think that BGII is better.

Perhaps. As I just mentioned in another post on this thread, it's hard for me to imagine revisiting any other BioWare game except for BGII... but I am always open to new suggestions, and you make some good ones. Perhaps I'll put DA Origins on the replay list.

Fair point. I guess it depends on how your scale works. To me, BGII was BioWare's last great game. They've made a bunch of really good games since then, but nothing that I would consider great. It's hard to imaging myself revisiting any BioWare games except for BGII. That, to me, is one indicator of why BGII is great.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I think I got their acronyms mixed up too... I was referring to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, not Star Wars: The Old Republic. KotOR is a very good game, I agree. But it's not BGII. That's all I was saying.