
Well I did buy DA Origins for PC in a Steam sale a while back, so maybe I'll give it another go.

In a sense it was a return to their roots, but I don't fully agree. On the consoles the combat was compromised and didn't have the same tactical feel as BGII. I've heard the PC version was better, but I played it on 360 like you did. The story also didn't feel as rich to me in DA Origins as BGII did, but perhaps


I wholeheartedly agree that Baldur's Gate II is one of the best RPGs of all time. It is, unfortunately, also the last great game that BioWare made.

I think it looks kind of interesting. A lot people seem to feel that it renders buying a Vita obsolete, but Vita TV isn't portable. It's a console version of the Vita with some extra functionality. So, I guess if you have some Vita games you've always wanted to play but didn't want to shell out $200 for the handheld

In my humble opinion Ni No Kuni was a god-awful piece of turd.

I've never played EVE. It looks amazing, but... well, it seems like too much of a time sink. I've got a friend who is trying to get me back into SWTOR right now but I just don't have the time to devote to it. I don't know how I would ever be able to play EVE.

I agree with you. It's also how I play games a lot of the time. Right now I have way to many games to play (and finish) that paying a subscription fee to an MMO is out of the question. On the other hand, the F2P model is annoying. I hate games that bug me to purchase upgrades or unlocks or restrict what I can access

Am I the only one who thinks the art direction looks like a mashup of several recent popular Sci-Fi properties? The guns remind me of Borderlands, but toned down a notch. The aliens and some of the armor look like Mass Effect. There's even shades of Star Wars. I'm sure there's some Halo in there as well, because...

What about Goldeneye?

I think those costumes are a combination of the original jumpsuits worn in season 1 of ST: TNG and later revisions. Look at the collar. The collars on these suits are raised. The original TNG jumpsuits didn't have collars at all. Plus they had a sort of triangular stripe matching the color of the uniform that went

I bought a Vita to play Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, but Persona 4: The Golden made the system worthwhile for me. It's easily one of the best games I've ever played and is the entire reason why I've pre-ordered Shin Megami Tensei IV and bought a whole slew of other Atlus games.

Stephen, thanks for this interesting and more personal look at the "Console War". I, for one, am in a similar situation to you. Too many devices to game on, not enough time to play them all... which one wins?

I absolutely love the Fallout series. For me the rankings go:

Still buying a PS4 instead of an Xbox One.

The Vita does not have horrible battery life in my experience. I frequently go days and days without charging it. The standby battery life is excellent. As good a a Kindle (which I haven't charged in at least two months). Usage time is also good. I'm able to play an hour or two here and there throughout the week

Meh. Never liked COD. Too linear for my tastes. I won't be buying an Xbox One for this game.

As I am playing Persona 3 FES right now, I was thinking the same thing.


I couldn't bring myself to cheat on Chie, even though Yuki and Rise made me consider it. It made Valentine's easier, but rejecting them in the first place can be hard too. I've never had a video game make me react like that before, which is probably one of the reasons I like P4 so much.