
I think it depends on which ending you get in P4 The Golden. If you get just the "Good" ending, it is bittersweet (in my opinion). However, with the "true" ending and the new epilogue that comes with it, I wouldn't consider the ending bittersweet. That being said, I really didn't want the game to end. I think Persona

What sucks about this whole discussion is where it will likely end up:

Question One: N/A. Connecting to the internet to play games should be a feature and a benefit, not a requirement (unless you purchased an online multiplayer game, then by the very nature of the game it's required).

To me, this issue is about the right to purchase and play used video games, or even borrow a video game from a friend. In a free market place I should have the right to purchase any good I want and can afford, be it new or used. I shouldn't have to pay some arbitrary additional fee to the original creator in order to

I see your point. As someone who didn't have a PS2 and hasn't had a PS1 for a long time, the eventual (supposed) support of the older games I've purchased on PSN on PS4 seems like a good thing... but not if you own physical copies. So, yeah, in this regard it's not much different than what Microsoft announced with the

Is it just me, or does this feel sort of like Microsoft's track record with their OSes?

If I remember correctly, I think what Sony has said is that PSN games will not be immediately available for the PS4. So, if you're like me and you've purchased a number of "classic" PS1 and PS2 games on PSN, you'll have to wait to play them on PS4. In the mean time, I'll just keep my PS3 hooked up so I can play them

Not sold.

I haven't heard anything regarding whether the Animus or the modern day Assassins will play a part in this game. I mean, the new protagonist Edward should be an ancestor of Desmond... but *SPOILER* Desmond dies at the end of AC3... *END SPOILER* so, who relives these memories? Desmond's father? Some other relative? Or

Ni No Kuni, without a doubt. After finding true love with Persona 4 the Golden, I opened myself up to JRPGs that I wouldn't normally pay any attention to. Ni No Kuni was one of those games. Besides the atrocious voice acting (Tidy!), the story was generic, the pacing glacial, the combat unwieldy and the boss fights an

I've pretty much gone all out with my Persona 4 infatuation. I have a different Persona 4 background on my desktop, laptop, iPad, phone and Vita. This is the background from my desktop.

Yes, the Wii U does not have a ton of games right now, but I still enjoy it for what it's worth. I never buy a Nintendo console for the standard fare of games, I buy it for the games that will only be available for it (generally games made by or licensed by Nintendo). I'm playing Lego City Undercover (granted - not a

Why is it that whenever a truly great game, like Bioshock Infinite, comes out, first Kotaku praises it and then they spend the next week finding every little thing they can to shit on about it. I gotta be honest, it's kind of annoying. This is a game that actually moves narrative gaming forward (in my opinion). But in

I didn't have much of a problem with the combat in Bioshock Infinite. My first play through was on Medium and I died a couple of times over the course of my experience. The shield regen and Elizabeth keeping you restocked... yeah, it made it easier for sure, but it didn't affect the amount of enjoyment I had from

Fair enough. I was referring to pirates being played out more in a more general, popular culture at large, sense. But this is a video game discussion, and in that regard, you are right. For my money, Sid Meyer's Pirates! is the best pirate themed game so far.

As a long time fan of the Assassin's Creed series, I have to say that I'm actually not super excited about ACIV. I liked ACIII okay, but agree with the general consensus that it was good, not great, and in some ways represented a step backwards for the series.