
Now if a freaking wild animal can sit neatly in a seat, WHY do we have to deal with manspreading?

I’m from the southern coal counties and come from generations of coal miners and I just don’t get the racism. The WV coal miner is the closest thing this country ever had to white slavery. We were also purposely kept poor, under-educated, and isolated to our hollers and coal towns. Jesus the government and coal barons

He is literate, to the extent that he reads anything at all, and he’s not rock stupid, though he’s surprisingly unsmart for a guy in his shocking new position. He is extremely lazy and prone to listen to the last person who spoke to him, which, considering his Cabinet of Horrors, is not a good thing. What he does know

Except when Cheney shot that guy in the face turkey hunting.

Initially, I read the headline, thought this was about Selena Gomez, and was very confused. Wine and Jez sometimes don’t mix.

Honestly, as a lover of this show, I don’t blame you. There essentially isn’t a speck of true happiness in it, and all of the characters are terrible people in their own way so it’s hard to root for any of them. Whenever I watch it I feel like there’s a heavy blanket of doom that’s been laid over my body. 

I used to work at a private school. Many parent’s attitudes were pretty much: “hey, here’s my money, now put up with my shitty kid.”

Rich people demonstrate this every fucking day. Money=no consequences.

My guess is the parents had a role in shaping this behavior.

In September, 32 girls in Chicago went on a religious retreat together. By November, their text message chain was riddled with racial slurs that got five of them suspended or expelled from their high school

Lee Daniels is not very bright and not very fond of Black women. I mostly ignore his dumb ass.

They didn’t dance around it. He stated quite clearly that the character Damon plays wasn’t intended to be Chinese. Rather, the fact that he is a white man defending China along with four other Chinese heroes fits the narrative. If the director says it wouldn’t make sense to have Damon’s character be Chinese, don’t we

“I’d like to have made the movie with an all chinese cast but the ticket buying public are a bunch of racist assholes so here we are” might be cathartic but it’s not much of a marketing strategy.

Which is great and all, but shouldn’t the director, and the actor hired to do this international exposure, kind of at least acknowledge it?

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

So instead we should listen to bigots like Dershowitz? Does the fact that NONE of the “suspicion” has come from a credible source not matter? Or are we just going to ignore the blatant Islamophobia and racism that’s sometimes been a problem in the American Jewish community too?

Well, you have a point there, especially with Black people’s history of keeping Jewish people, and other kinds of white people down.

That’s stupid, though. I don’t even like Farrakhan, but to say that he’s ever participated in activities against Jewish people that are comparable to activities the KKK has participated in against Black people and Jewish people and lots of other types of people is simply not factual. So once again, someone’s “views”