
Wait, what? How old are you?

That’s bs. We have employer healthcare taken out of my husband’s paycheck 2x/month and we absolutely feel it. And our deductible for the year still comes out of our pocket (not to mention co-pays). I would welcome higher taxes in order to get single-payer healthcare because the way I see it, even if that same money

This. Thank you!

Yet so much evidence says otherwise. The “good cops” who are “just otherwise doing their jobs” get that designation when they collectively work to STOP THE BAD COPS. It’s not rocket science. That’s “being a good cop.”

I’m not shocked either but kids? Not even close. These are men.

How so? Honest question. Isn't Egypt in Africa? Is it like white South Africans?

You’d be surprised as to how many of those “special snowflakes” rarely amount to much. It's the kids who are taught hard work, focus, and dedication who tend to rise above the fray. This girl sounds like she has all of those components.


“Reverse racism” hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Please someone start a movement to get police unions to pay settlements out of their own pockets. It’s always about the money. Do you think they give a shit knowing taxpayers will foot the bill?

I absolutely LOVE it when Fox & Friends apologists get the show’s racist bs thrown right in their faces. Bonus points if the apologist (and supporter) is a POC!

I totally agree with you. Thanks for giving me an alternative way of looking at this (in a good way and not sarcastic).

Welp. As soon as the tax payers start making a stink about their money being used for these payouts then MAYBE we’ll start to see this change.

Why should he give a shit about the kids in that school district when the people who live there don’t? Really, you want him to “be above it all.” I hope he spends every last dime on himself and then when the parents of the “kids who are suffering” go to the polls, maybe they’ll vote differently so assholes aren't

And what does his future offers have to do with his anguish. It is quite possible to still be fucked up behind the incident despite the good that's come out of it.

I LOVE IT when POC get abused in any way by racist authority and people feel “a little pain and suffering” is all that was suffered. It’s like you know exactly what it’s like ESPECIALLY AS A CHILD to be treated based on your skin color & religious beliefs. Jesus I remember being picked up by the cops when I was eleven

You’re right. I should’ve said, “an outdated part of the 14th ad. that has been increasingly used as a loophole.”

We’re not poor but because of the way things are, we’re part of the middle class who is living paycheck to paycheck because of things like healthcare, etc. I grew up with way less than what I have today but I held on to habits from my childhood like, buying the amount of “meals” we need between paychecks and planning

Congrats! Seriously. I envy you but kids tend to put a wrench in those plans.

I’m not sorry to be funding social programs, hell I’m pro-pro taxes when it comes to it. I do feel that it is a society’s responsibility to make sure all of its people are educated, healthy, well fed, etc. It becomes tricky when I’m made to do it for people who are using a loophole for those benefits. Birthright