
Ok. In her defense, as someone who has been a network anchor (radio) and is still in broadcast news in a top 10 market, she likely DID have a hard break. You’re up against automation and you absolutely must hit that break (hit that post). If you don’t, the automation will cut you off. You have to backtime your way

“If his heart is bleeding, he could miss a month or more. If it’s merely bruised, he could be sidelined for as little as a week.”

A week or a month to recover? Bullshit. It takes months, sometimes years to recover from a broken heart.

Was wooter ice served?

“I love my mama very much, and now you know that”.

That’s why there are laws preventing cab companies from doing this...somehow Uber gets to skirt the rules and gouge people.

It was never about the anthem.

Further musings: The parking situation around T-Mobile for locals is absolute gash. While the parking prices aren’t BAD comparatively, the limited parking nearby is going to push a lot of people into parking down the strip. I chose to park at the Paris (free for locals) and take the monorail to the Arena. By the time

Will they also eject fans for saying RUN when the batter doesn’t realize the catcher dropped a third strike?

Fuck Jon, chill out you fat fuck. Maybe learn to throw to a base too while you’re at it.

Can I get a Deadspin HoF ballot for Dale Hansen and only Dale Hansen?

I served in the military during the Vietnam war, and my foot hurt too, but I served anyway.

Now playing

There mere fact that she calls “making love” “paw paw” tells me she’s not ready.

If my husband was too dumb to find his way out of a locker room, I’d keep it to myself.

I watched that live, on replay, and now 5 times this morning and still don’t know how Simmons was thinking this through live and making every right decision. Besides of course, unbelievable ability coupled with endless hours of practice. Kudos for the ESPN production crew on capturing this, and the Sunday night team

The Wire is a fine show, it has aged terribly though.

You don’t clean up puke for a living, do you?

*Uber driver pulls up, rolls down window*“I’m looking for BIG MIKE whose destination is [trashy part of the city]”