
There is no Australia article where this reference doesn’t apply.


That would be so awesome.

1. “Inside the park” here is redundant. It’s implied when you say little league home run.

Outside of sports (I remember bits of the LA Olympics and the Oilers Cup and Royals WS wins in ‘85) it’s probably Challenger for me too.

Jerks. Jive turkey gobblers all of you.

Considering how this guy operates, I guaran-fucking-tee you he wore some military garb as part of his bullshit shtick in order to mooch BP balls from unsuspecting players.

Oh wow, the Keg. Well la dee da Mr. Rockefeller.

No shit. Took me years (decade plus?) to get to that point.

lol “why didn’t he challenge me with the pitch I expected???”

In this comments section: haters hating on hating haters who hate haters gonna say it’s fake memes.


Granted I watched this thing on mute but to me this looked like less about the bat flip than everything that followed. If the whole fucking team isn’t out there to shit-talk the pitcher under the pretenses of celebrating a 7th inning HR that put their team up by 6, none of this happens. Save celebrations like that for

So he had POA for 8 years and nobody noticed?

Sweet jesus, there are several references to basketball “ring” in there. Was Ted Cruz actually kind of semi right?

Would’ve been better with “les”.

NFW man. I endured too much ridicule in my childhood days to be robbed of watching Joe hoist the cup (even if it was in a different jersey than I grew up watching). I literally still have all 4 games on VHS, of course sans the cup winner because the damn tape ran out of space.

Dammit. Honestly I didn’t see it the first few times.