
Got my first car as a hand me down from my folks and didn’t follow this advice, because I didn’t know better. Poor 1983 Subaru GL wagon. It spent the first 6 years of its life in the garage and I suspect my folks probably washed it regularly enough that it didn’t have much rust on it when I got it.

But nobody

If you’re trying to impose a curfew on your kid after they turn 18, you’re doing something wrong. If they’re old enough to go off to college and live their life there, then they’re old enough to live their life when they come home to visit. It’s fine to say something like “The polite thing would be for you to tell us

Pro-tip for any people under 35 y/o reading these comments. Some advice from somebody over 50 y/o.

This is an incredibly short-sighted, myopic, and stupid way to approach social interactions, even with people you don’t like. This is particularly true if the interaction plays out in the context of professional

If you work in a large organization, like a tech company, I suspect you could easily get 50-100 new messages a day. Many aren’t relevant (i.e., FYI, threads your cc’d on, etc.), but they still need to be processed.

Not everybody removes all read messages from the Inbox either, so that can make things even more

I can see how this could be helpful, although since I started making an effort to practice Inbox zero, I rarely have more than 10 messages in my Inbox most of the time. And now that Gmail has snooze built in, it’s even easier to maintain that, because it’s easier to temporarily remove messages from the Inbox until

I think the point of this recipe is to avoid adding additional fat, like olive oil, which is not generally a part of the canonical recipe and can dull the flavor of the cheese and pepper. But if you like it that way, go for it!

That said, using less water to make it starchier is a solid idea. 

I’ve used this technique twice now since reading about, once with a stick blender and once with food processor. Food processor was the easier of the two. I was happy with the results both times, but I would disagree with one aspect of this article:

You want to salt the pasta water, but I personally would go a little

If you have an old functional car that you own outright and a free place to park it most of the time, then I think that’s going to end up being cheaper than this subscription unless you drive a lot of miles and have to pay for parking or tolls on an everyday basis as a part of your commute.

In Seattle, it looks like $1

I’m a very experienced home cook and I’ve made many many successful braised meat dishes over the last few decades. I was intrigued by this recipe. So I made it a while back for my extended family. Everybody ate it, but the consensus was that it was mediocre at best and not up to the level of what I usually make. In

Can’t get the tab search in the Omnibox to work (i.e., search for an existing tab and switch to it from the omnibox). Can somebody post a picture of what I’m supposed to see? Chrome says I’ve got the newest version installed... This would be a really helpful feature for me if I can get it to work. Thanks! Currently

I’m a late Boomer myself, and I didn’t support many of those politicians. But somebody did, and since Boomers have been the largest demographic voting bloc for decades now, I think it’s safe to say that we played a role in that as a group, even if we didn’t personally play a role. 

As another 50 something person, I’d agree with this. It’s certainly worth hearing what your parents have to say, but probably best to consider it just one input among many, and not necessarily the most important input. Now, more than ever, it seems like strategies that were effective in the past may not make sense in

The headline here is misleading. If you click through and run any scenarios, you’ll see that $20 is the cost of a one way ticket, not round trip (I checked on Seattle to Portland). So unless you’re planning to travel somewhere for a vacation and never come home, the actual roundtrip cost of getting there is going to

Pretty sure OneNote has had a similar feature for a few years at least on Windows. If you start it recording, it will track the time stamps on each of your written notes and then later you can navigate to different parts of the recording by clicking on those timestamped notes or vice versa (it will highlight your

Not seeing this in the Android GBoard. Are you sure this works on both iOS and Android?

Police can force you to use your fingerprint to unlock your phone, if your phone has that feature. Police can’t force you to enter a pin unlock to unlock your phone. But if you pin unlock the phone to show the police your proof of insurance, then the phone is now unlocked, so police would have a much easier time

Disagree with this advice. Voicing misgivings about prospective husband on the eve of the wedding just guaranties the friendship will be destroyed immediately, eliminating any possibility of sustaining a friendship long-term. Bride will circle the wagons with groom and that will be that.

Is there anything like this for Windows? I used to have something like this on my Mac back in the day and I liked it.

This seems like it could be a cool tool, maybe you should explain in words on the example page what the examples do, because, at least to me, it is not currently self-evident with just the pictures and a title for each example.

For average people who want to use the tool to get something done, it helps to have an